Linux Sucks 2024

“This is going to suck more than anything has sucked before.”

Recorded live on February 8th, 2024. Made available, for the first time, outside of The Lunduke Journal (at Lunduke.Locals.com).

Red Hat! SUSE! GNOME! GitHub! Gentoo! Ubuntu! Nobody is safe!

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by Bryan Lunduke

linux foundation

50 thoughts on “Linux Sucks 2024

  • You know what, Haiku and SerenityOS is looking pretty good right now.

  • I hope KDE hires a Dragonborn Bard, they need all the support they can get these days.

  • so u are a old-programmer turned journalist. so a journalist who understands technology… so a technologist journalist? u are perfect

  • With all the war-centric, injustice-implementing political, economic turmoil that is about to collapse the world economy and force a global government onto everyone on Earth, the collapse of various Linux distros is irrelevant.

  • I heared about a good two-thirds of this. But not about OpenSUSE. And, I do listen to german stock market news every once a while. Had no idea they went and then un-went public XD
    2024 will be weird, thats for sure.

  • bruh, capitalism goes against free software.
    if you are capitalist, you should be defending proprietary code, closed software, profits, etc.
    if you like open source and free software, stop being capitalist.

  • It's as if the open-source business model is retarded

  • … Why nobody told me Lunduke wasn't spiriling towards fascism anymore? I thought he'd be idolizing rittenhouse by this point. Glad he isn't.

  • Every time I watch your stuff I am in a worse mood than before. And I keep watching. At least on roughly a yearly basis

  • There will never be a linux "desktop", any wayland is a "cancer" to make matters worse. Linux gets 100's of millions and they cannot beat Windows who is completely dropping the ball. And that list of Linux Foundation expenditures: block chain, covid passports, power grid…. sounds like google, microsoft, IBM, Intel, etc. who are funding the foundation are just laundering money for side projects.
    Add to this the fact, a lot of the linux code is patented and copyrighted by these trillion dollar corporations,…it's not only that Linux sucks, Linux is a LIE.
    Time to start backing other true open source operating systems..

  • It's time to abandon open source. Devs shouldn't work for free.

  • Well since I’m white guess ill just never again use red hat products.

  • For some reason people believe AI training on GPL or public proprietary code is a legal problem, but there are two distinct reason why it is not: 1. scraping has been determined legal in US 2. reproducing small snippets of code in US is also legal

  • MacOS is awesome. There are also a small handful of Linux distros that are pretty good. About 4-5 honestly. The rest I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies.

  • That Redhat story has to be at least a LITTLE exaggerated, right? Like, Im as woke as they come, and that's pretty fucking weird and disturbing if that's what actually happened

  • I love linux and its my favorite OS which i've used now for over 20 years but the politics and funding is really getting horrible.

  • 280k for Gnome, Linux Desktop is a pipedream.
    The desktop needs about the same amount of money that Apple gives to it's desktop development.

  • about violating gpl….. open source license is a joke. nobody cares if you are open source of there's noone to enforce it.

  • Brother why are you so excited and in some ridiculous geeky delirium?

  • I flagged your video for promoting hatred and misconduct and sending your views to attack my posts.

  • Don't applaud Canonical for making Ubuntu immutable when they keep spreading malware through snaps.

  • I can only trust the opinions of Linux users when they're willing to say Linux sucks. And yes, this dead horse NEEDS to be beaten. If Linux is ever going to thrive or take over, things need to change. Evidently, what the community is doing now is not working. Especially the endless forking I keep hearing about.

    I love and resonate with your joke using a Firefox update as an example. I swear, most change notes are just an included package upgrading to a new minor version for minor bug fixes that aren't really felt by the end user. It's like "libwhoknows updated to version 0.1.1" and "libwhocares updated to version 0.9.1" or even "random-name text editor updated to 5.101.6 – recolors syntax for java syntax mode". Linux community gets way too excited about minor updates that don't get us anywhere turning Linux journalism into a desperate straw-grasping industry.

    It's hard to believe open-source is democratized by nature. I highly doubt a shaman would have been installed as ceo by vote from the community of the project they oversee.

    I remember the shift from MacOS 9 to OS X. It was bright, it was new, it was sexy, and it was awesome that it was willing to leave code behind and told developers to update their stuff or get left behind.

  • Coward, deleting my comment instead of letting them stand. You misrepresented the "racism" Red Hat and IBM are overwhelming white so when people were laid off course it was mostly white people. They have a diversity problem (because they have a racism problem) and tried to fix it with a bog standard diversity initiative. I think you misrepresented the events that happened and there was never any anti-white pledge, that racist non-sense.

  • I see, Ubuntu has big changes happening, i had no idea. The last Kubuntu 24.04 is insanely bad, i thought developers have lost passion for Kubuntu.

  • commies and rust tr00ns will f this up. like everything else they touch

  • Get woke, go broke. Besides all the other terrible news I haven't heard about until now, is Arch safe? I'm thankful to be using Debian now….was thinking of switching back to Gentoo or trying Arch but Gentoo is off the table now.

  • all the lunduke haters are going to love (to hate) this

  • 41:36 There's a reason linux is huge in many of those things, and this is the reason why. It makes sense and there's nothing wrong with that.

  • Time to fork the linux foundation?
    Or support Hurd development? (or bsd, etc.)

  • Stephen Miller (the leader of the group who is suing IBM) is a proud Neo-Nazi/white supremacist. The leadership in Red Hat consist disproportionally of white-male individuals, hardly a bastion of anti-white racism like what this video and article tries to convey.

    That whole case is facist ideology whisle-blowing and virtue signaling. Typical alt-right rhetoric. You keep "politics" out of things until the politics are convenient to you?

  • If "no one wants me to know this", then how the heck did I hear literally all those stories while also actively avoiding Bryan Lunduke?

  • @SwitchedtoLinux here on YouTube is also a good Linux person like you Bryan

  • 0.5% budget used for linux 2024. I can feel it…. The budget will go towards farm management (W?)

  • absolute clown fiesta. a lot of this is a symptom of a larger more wide spread problem; late stage collapse of empire(s). everything is falling apart everywhere. the kids can't even read anymore.

  • Does anybody really have to ask why they're not covering these news stories? I would assume any Linux user is smart enough to see what is going on

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