Linux top 10 commands everyone needs

This is a simple introduction to some basic Linux commands, if you are using Linux for the first time.
It can be daunting for some when they switch from GUI to command line, the beauty of Ubuntu Linux especially is its ease of use for both.

Commands in order:

1. pwd – Shows you the current directory you are in.
2. cat /etc/os-release – Shows the version of linux you are using.
3. ls -l – Shows the directory, its file permissions, owner name, file size… and more.
4. top – Shows Process ID, utilisation of CPU and memory and more.
5. mkdir – Creates a directory by the associated name you give it.
6. ifconfig – Shows the IP addresses of the interfaces on the local box.
7. cd – Change to the directory you wish to move to.
8. w – Shows the users currently logged in to the box and uptime.
9. hostnamectl – Shows the Linux systen name and architecture.
10. uptime – I am sure you can guess 🙂

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centos 7

One thought on “Linux top 10 commands everyone needs

  • I'm a total newbie to Linux and this at least makes it a bit fun and not so hard to digest. Thanks so much and I hope you can post more like this again… 😘

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