Live Recon Part 2 – Epic Games 🔴

Second live recon on Epic Games bug bounty program. This time I will gather more details about this company’s assets on the top that we already have. We will try to gain more subdomains using various methods, gather extra IPs, and crawl websites to find endpoints.

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Disclaimer: This channel is strictly educational for learning about ethical hacking and penetration testing so that we can protect ourselves against real hackers. Hacking without permission is illegal so always ensure you have proper authorization before using security tools in any network environment.

#bugbounty #ethicalhacking #infosec #cybersecurity #itsecurity


by Ott3rly

linux dns server

6 thoughts on “Live Recon Part 2 – Epic Games 🔴

  • Bro were to put token I didn't understand the readme file of GitHub-subdomain

  • Can you plz make a video about how to setup and run our own blind XSS servers on vps…

  • Like this content you providing to community and showing raw 😄. Been watching you and learnt many concepts and you also told how from developers perspective they secure and how hackers bypass it thank you 🙏

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