LOKMAT Sky GT 4G SIM Calling AMOLED 4GB Music IP67 Sports Smartwatch: Quick Overview
Sky GT Buying Link: (Banggood): https://ban.ggood.vip/14e3M ( Discount coupon: BGLOKMATSGT Price after coupon: $64.99 Exp: 11/30/23) Find current discount coupon for this product here: bit.ly/SWTBanggood
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This Sky GT smartwatch has been provided by Banggood. Many thanks to our viewers for making this YouTube site popular and to Banggood for their support. If you are interested in purchasing this Sky GT smartwatch, please use the link listed above. It will help us receive more watches to review for you in the future. Thanks!
Tethering app:
NEW! GaoFit – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wiiteer.gaofit
GaoFit Review on PRIME S: https://youtu.be/aYYIso-GuGs?t=2245
NOTE: NOT WiiWatch2 as shown in User’s Manual
Easy link to this GaoFit tutorial Video: https://tinyurl.com/gaofit
Easy link to the WiiWatch 2 tutorial Video: https://tinyurl.com/wiiwatch2
Initial Android Smartwatch Setup Guide: https://youtu.be/wcHD0cahLFA
Initial Android Smartwatch Setup Guide 2021 Edition: https://youtu.be/vzMej_pG9sc
Need a compatible SIM for your watch primarily just for calls and text?
Recommended: SpeedTalkMobile for smartwatch cellular calling, texting, 4G LTE Data. Use code: MRTICKS for SIM card free shipping: https://www.speedtalkmobile.com/smartwatch-sim-card Plans start at $5. Video https://youtu.be/2BDW0w-D4cc NOTE: Have not verified this SIM will work with this smartwatch.
The Sky GT is a SIM capable direct calling smartwatch (not Bluetooth calling). In testing I was able to get a T-Mobile SIM to work for receiving SMS messages, but it wasn’t recognized for phone calls either in or out. If any of you get the calling feature working, please let us know in the comments. The music storage works well but the music player is basic. Speaker is loud and voice recorder is excellent quality, though it can record only one hour at a time. Battery life is great.
For the full unboxing and 1st look review of the Sky GT, click here: https://youtu.be/9RM4tSAgyfk
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☑️ Just a note: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission (thanks!). Samples reviewed here are provided free and represent what a customer would receive (unless identified as “prototype”).—————————————————————
#smartwatch #LOKMATSkyGT #SkyGTReview
4g lte
I dropped my Prime S and the back fell to bits ( really nasty brittle plastic ) so this might be a nice replacement. Thanks