Losing my mind on my quest for root access on a 16 y/o digital tv decoder

From the camera cutting off half my face at the beginning, to me stumbling over my words in a desperate attempt to cling onto any sort of legal foundation, watch me secure my place in Joaquin Phoenix’s future character-portrayal portfolio after several hours of trying to crack a very old digital decoder.

The firmware on this device is fit with embedded Linux, which is very common in things like this. I’ve logged into a few devices through UART in the past to poke my nose around, but this digital decoder reverse engineering project has a specific purpose. Of course, this is my first time running into a root user that hasn’t had some terrible default credentials like admin/admin or admin/password. But I’m excited! Since I have two more of these, it’s time to abuse that poor PCB in my pursuit for root!


by gargantua

linux foundation