(M3) Day12 Networking Ess part11 How assign IP Address manually and automatically
20240523 104830
*every device must have an ip address required to communicate in network
Assign IP Address: ip address can be assigned manually or automatically.
Manual – configure ip address to the network adaptor manually
Manually configured ip address called static ip address
The static ip address can change manually but not automatically
Automatic – IP address configured to the network adapter automatically by dhcp server, the dhcp server can be a router or wifi router (act as a dhcp server), windows/linux server or some app act as dhcp server.
The ip address assigned automatically is called dynamic ip address.
The dynamic ip address changes automatically when it connected to different networks or sometime to same network when connect and disconnect happens
In Windows
Control Panel – Network and Internet – Network and Sharing center – Change Adaptor setting – right click on the adapter – status – Details (to know what ip address is configured)
Properties(to change configuration) – click on IPv4… – properties
Run/Search – ncpa.cpl – network connections – right click status or double click on adapter – properties – ipv4 … – properties –
Obtain IP address Automatically – to get ip address from DHCP Server
Use following ip address – manual configuration
Assigning ip address manually
Assigning ip address automatically
Check assigned IP Address
DHCP Enabled: Yes – IP address configured automatically by dhcp server
DHCP Enabled: No – IP Address configured manually