Computer NetworksNETWORKS

MAC Address Explained

What is a MAC address? What is the difference between an IP address and a MAC address? The MAC or media access control address is an identifier that every network device uses to uniquely identify itself on a network.

ARP video:
Default Gateway video:




Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

21 thoughts on “MAC Address Explained

  • Outstanding. Very clear and useful explanation. Thank you so much!

  • Thanks! You are the Man.
    Wish you always have great
    Thanks again

  • Thank you infinitely for the clarity and simplicity with which you explain the course. It makes learning so much easier and enjoyable! 🙏😊

  • I went to university to study IT and I always felt super dumb (I failed the very first year lol), could never understand networks. Now, I am taking a cybersecurity online certificate and I must say, I understand it thanks to YOU!!!! I can't express how grateful I am for your videos, I finally get this!!! thank you so so much <3

  • How to Change MAC Address. Android device & PC & Laptop & iPhone & iPad

  • Thank you very much I was always wondering how it all works but know I kinda know it thanks to you, but I still don't know if it's possible to change a device mac address or give a device a made up mac adres so other devices thinks for example they are communicating to an apple iphone 14 in stead of an apple iphone x!?

  • What an explanation, I'm studying Cybersecurity at School and none of these has been taught to us in this good, thank you A lot for these amazing videos

  • Thank you for this video. This was very helpful and insightful.

  • So did it come with a MAC address or could’ve someone put it on my device is my question?

  • I hadn't heard of read about MAC address. Thanks for this enlightening video.

  • How much did they pay you ? These numbers are the people who took the jab 😂

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