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by The Cherno
linux web server
Really enjoying raylib so far with this project, what should I do next? 👇
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Is it possbile to create a web based Apartment Viewing using Unreal Engine? One that is not laggy and enable apartment viewing in 3D on the smart phone?
I don't get why you use Cmake or premake, they suck.
Y not C?
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$EMROOT/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake ..
Just gonna leave this here and walk away whistling.
You can have a look to exaequOS if you want to build an app (with raylib or not) for the Web. In C/C++, Lua
cmake makes me frustrated
this guy shroud of c++
It shows that Cherno is used working mostly in Microsoft Visual Studio with C++ on Windows
your videos are really crazy, i want to rewatch it already✋✋
i think this video is very interesting please make it longer💯
I did the same back in 2022 when we were porting our engine to web, I have flashbacks
Holy hell an entire video on why I love Cargo
Give a gaze to xMake, better than everything else, generates cmake projects, VS solutions, … and can use all vcpkg et al. dependencies apart from being itself a dependencies manager, a fully featured toolchain and much more
Bro didn't want to know how to center <div> 🤣
LOL loved this. 😂
Building a MacOS binary on windows is a hell nah. You can't. You need to have the mahcine itself to compile to it.
I hate to admit it but it's always a bit of a relief watching someone very competent do the CMake shuffle. That sigh we all know means 'everything worked… so now I have to rip this thing open to make it work'. I appreciate it, I really do, but it's the Github version of clamshell packaging.
It is nice to see someone else using c++, raylib, clion, and cmake together. My favorite "stack" for c++ development
I have 20 copies of the clang toolchain on my windows computer alone, I guess I'm having even more
As much as I hated and still mostly hate the Java programming language, I kind of loved the idea behind the JVM. Other than Pico-8 I don't think anyone has really copied that idea particularly well. Back when I first got started programming, Java was maybe a year or two old, and it was significantly worse than everything else, even disregarding the speed of the JVM at the time. We should have such a generic solution that actually runs at a good speed and doesn't eat all of your RAM now, but instead we get JavaScript in a browser that wants to be an OS and is super diaper bloated garbage junk. Yeah, modern technology kind of makes me angry.
Have you tried Node++?
Try raylib bro.
What a complete PITA.
Godot just had a whole blog post about getting audio to work on web because web is inherently single threaded
This video feels like every other usual c++ yak-stack-experience ever…
Whenever i see some webdev i always get the feeling that a dozen cooks seasond a dough and now you need to second guess how much dough you need to add so it doesn't taste horrible.
Every once in a while I think: "Maybe I should give C++ another go." Then I see see headers and I start to question that decision. Then I try to build it and give up completely.
javascript error in my browser with genesis. sad
by building for wasm you can run that on every platform.
12:12 how about a long long? or long short? lmao