Malicious Translations in Ubuntu

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Reviewed content:
– https://www.tomshardware.com/news/malicious-translations-target-ubuntu-2310-launch#:~:text=Ukrainian%20translation%20appears%20to%20have%20been%20targeted%20by%20’hate%20speech’.&text=Mere%20hours%20after%20their%20release,have%20been%20removed%20from%20distribution.
By: Mark Tyson | https://twitter.com/TechAssimilate
– https://twitter.com/ubuntu/status/1712593893319930079
By: Ubuntu | https://twitter.com/ubuntu

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19 thoughts on “Malicious Translations in Ubuntu

  • Hey! This guy ain't the real Prime. Did he think we were all idiots and wouldn't notice the change since the last video??!


  • ChromeOS. Has Linux. Easy. Good. Very Good. Easy.

  • Everybody said Linux is safe
    but no one said it is not racist

  • I don't always do machine translation, but 'I' 'when' 'do', grammar 'is no more'. – Jonathan Goldsmith.

    Take no offence please, I too hate grammar nazis.

  • En: Default installation -> 3:59
    Ua: Classic gay sex

    For me as Ukrainian it was really funny to read all those translations

  • Holy shit. I actually can read this.
    There's a lot about putting down your pants and a lot of jew and gay "jokes"
    It may even been political set up given recent events in Ukraine and Israel…
    Because I haven't really seen that kind of antisemitism in Ukraine.

  • I disagree with your conclusion at the end, prime. An open source project doesn't have to "hire some people to check the validity of the translations", neither you have to "just learn every language, bro" (I know that's sarcasm).
    A basic automated machine translation check would have been able to catch that, because the malicious translations are so off and so out of the range of what the source text could be translated to.

  • This reminded me of AMD garbage graphics linux drivers and how it ended my usage of Linux as daily driver

  • HateOS was great from the chat

  • i'm pretty sure that is Russia. They are using a lot different hack thinks related to take control of machine because, drones and custom soft in ukraine related to government on ubuntu. Also i can read Ukraine, and that translate is not hate speech. Just a some one get a funny translate, kind a "murder palistine children video", "classic gay porn ", "only cut pines, jewish porn", "keep not washed"

  • Sometimes the problem with translation is that companies or institutions are not willing to pay for an editor. And although malicious mistranslation is rare, mistakes happen.

  • They are so hurt by this little trolling, they are calling it "hate speech".

  • Dang I didn’t even know ubuntu offers languages and Ubuntu actually checked their distribution images. Thought general agreement when it comes to free open source OS is every man for himself 🤔.

    We should keep those funny translations, I doubt any Ukrainian actually has time for Linux while dealing with Russia.

  • but just know every single language on the earth, is it really THAT hard?

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