Manual Installation and Upgrade of OEM 13c Agent [Part-1]

Hello viewers, welcome to YouVolve. the database channel to learn and practice oracle and other databases. In this tutorial I am going to demonstrate how to manually install or upgrade an OEM 13c agent.

This topic has two parts. In the Part-1 we install an OEM 13.4 agent manually on a 64 bit Oracle Linux host and in the Part-2 we upgrade the OEM 13.4 agent to version 13.5 manually in a 64 bit Oracle Linux host.

Part-2: https://youtu.be/1eZFVGMqtYw

Full series on OEM 13c:

Series on Oracle VirtualBox VMs:

OEM Software Library Update:

Manual installation of the OEM 13c agent has a prerequisite which are:

– OEM software library must have the required agent software
– The OMS should be up and running
– The agent host should have one of the supported platforms for OEM
– OEM and the target hosts must have network connectivity
– OEM and the target host names should be resolved through DNS
– Minimum 1 GB free space to store the agent software in the target host
– Minimum 2 GB free space to install the agent software in the target host

Manual installation of the agent software involves multiple steps as below:

1- download the agent software to a local file system
2- transfer the agent software to the target host
3- install the agent software to the target host
4- configure the agent software to the target host
5- discover and promote targets

Login to OMS using emcli
emcli login -username=sysman
Password: ****

Sync up OMS and repository
emcli sync

List available agents software in the library
$ emcli get_supported_platforms

Download agent software to a local file system in the OMS host from software library:

mkdir -p /tmp/agnt_inst_134
export unzip_loc=/u01/app/oracle/em135/middleware/bin/unzip
emcli get_agentimage -destination=/tmp/agnt_inst_134 -platform=”linux x86-64″ -version= -zip_loc=/u01/app/oracle/em135/middleware/bin/zip

Check its size
oracle@adminserver catdb ~$ ls -lrt /tmp/agnt_inst_134
total 913360
-rw-r–r– 1 oracle oinstall 935272942 jul 11 13:26

Transfer the agent software to the /tmp directory in the target host named vmlinux1

cd /tmp/agnt_inst_134/
scp /tmp/agnt_inst_134/ vmlinux1:/tmp
oracle@’s password:

Agent installation

cd /tmp
unzip -d agnt_134_lin64

Create the target folder for the agent base

mkdir -p /u001/oracle/agent13c

Make sure the unzip utility is the one we copied from the middleware home

which unzip
export unzip_loc=/tmp/agnt_134_lin64/unzip

Execute deply command

./agentdeploy.sh agent_base_dir=/u001/oracle/agent13c oms_host=adminserver.manash.hom em_upload_port=4903 agent_registration_password=agent123 oracle_hostname=vmlinux1.oraexpert.org agent_port=3871 -ignoreprereqs

If you want you can also create a response file and put the parameters passed in this command into that response file. then you command will look quite smaller as it will only have two parameters viz agent_base_dir and the response_file parameter that will point to the response file’s physical location something like:

./agentdeploy.sh agent_base_dir=/u001/oracle/agent13c response_file=/tmp/agent13c_inst.rsp

Response file agent13c_inst.rsp content:


Check agent status:

oracle@vmlinux1 orcl1 /tmp/agnt_134_lin64$ cd /u001/oracle/agent13c/agent_13.
./emctl status agent

List plugins:
$ ./emctl listplugins agent
$ ./emctl listplugins agent -type all

List targets:
$ ./emctl config agent listtargets


by YouVolve

linux dns server

One thought on “Manual Installation and Upgrade of OEM 13c Agent [Part-1]

  • Really request you to please create videos on oracle performance tuning like profiling, baseline, sql tuning advisor, explain plan etc…. Please

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