Map a Network Drive | Setup Folder Permissions | Assign Home Folder To Users | Windows Server 2019

The following topics are covered in this tutorial:

1. How to map a network drive;
2. How to Create users and security groups in active directory;
3. Setup files and folders permissions;
4. How to assign home folder to each user on the network;
5. Testing for Windows 10 workstations.

Tutorial Parts:
Introduction: 00:00
Users & group policy in AD: 00:38
Map a Network Drive: 05:44
Setup Folder Permissions: 09:18
Assign home folder to users: 16:35
Testing: 19:00

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windows server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

28 thoughts on “Map a Network Drive | Setup Folder Permissions | Assign Home Folder To Users | Windows Server 2019

  • nice video… helped me in another issue

    i have multiple folders mapped to each user as \serverFOLDER$%username%, right? \serverFOLDER$ points to "C:share". all the users have access to their respective folders and they are in the G_USERS group, ok?
    ONE USER only must have full access to FOLDER$, while the others cant… this user, named john, is member of G_ADMINS group, shich should supposedly see all the folders inside the folder C:SHARE
    i have added the user John to the G_ADMINS group only, that's the only group he's in, set the folder permissions to this group, auditing and effective access, nothing… any help is appreciated.

  • thanks for the video..
    Can u pls explain how to create shared folders with read and write permissions with no delete permissions.
    user should not have delete permissions, but should edit the data.

  • When saving a new MS Office file or a file in a new location, and browsing for the location then the user is unable to save the MS Office file. A popup dialog box shows "Access Denied. Contact your administrator".
    There is no permissions issue, as other non MS Office files can be opened, modified and saved in the same location.

  • love your tutorial, you're a very good teacher <3

  • Thank you very much for the easy steps on mapping network drive, one thing i will like to ask is, How can i create a private for each user? whenever Sarah logs in, she see the departmental drive and also a private drive with her login user ID which is also only available for her alone to see.

  • Can you show how to make a word document read only for a group? i can make it read only for each user but i want to set up a group of users like you did for HR dept

  • Is it possible to set this so that the folder is shared over the internet?

  • Thanks how to put the password for fo.der

  • How can i 'server setup' by map network drive for all communication website ? i mean email service, online shopping website etc.

  • I did exactly the way you did and works ok but the when i run cmd the command line has now the drive letter

  • Thank You Very Much! "maza aa gya": But I want to do something more as one common folder shared to all users only with read permission. After creating multiple folders in the shared common folder, users can use permission-wise folders only in their assigned folder, But users should not make folders in the common share folder. How to implement that type of permission. Please help us.

  • Hi, I had to map a network drive as a different user for school. Why can't it be accessed by a domain admin before adding permissions for the user that mapped the drive?

  • I did a process exactly the same, but the pastes are listed for both users:
    Test shared folder, inside it I have User1 and User2, each with permission from their users respectively, but when I access \SRVTeste I see the 2 folders, I don't have access permission, but I didn't want it to be possible to see the
    I use win server 2019

  • any reason why i would be gettting a temp profile when logging in as a user?

  • Thanks so much for this well explained tutorial! May I ask how to share a drive on a windows server2016 to a laptop (wireless) I already have a couple of drives shared, but i haven't gone through the process of connecting another laptop. (i'm a newbie) I'm working at a school and have to add a new teachers laptop, so the they can see the shared drives. Can anyone help me on this? Thanks in advance

  • Please make videos join a domain Linux machine from Windows 2016 server

  • Thanks brother, this video has helped me to understand network map drive better.

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