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Marie Curie, Open Source, Kickstarter, and Women in Tech | EclipseCon Europe 2018

EclipseCon Europe 2018
Ludwigsburg, Germany · October 23 – 25, 2018

Speaker(s): Mandy Whaley

Think of Marie Curie. Would you expect to find a fascinating number of similarities between the Curies’ treatment of their work in the early 1900s and today’s tech industry?

I certainly didn’t… Join me as we explore how the Curies used an approach similar to modern Open Source licensing to open the process for isolating radium to the scientific community, and how the limitations at the time on the rights of women to own intellectual property influenced this decision. Also, learn how Marie Curie used a strategy similar to Kickstarter to raise funds to buy radium for her own research, and how all of these experiences and lessons echo and resonate with current day experiences.


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