Master Scammer Hacks My IP Address ??
JK, this guy thinks my IP is, looks like he has no idea how basic networking works. Sad that some of these folks think they’re actually microsoft technicians.
Watch live at
ip address
Going back trough the old school stuff 2022 ❤ you kit
My IP is in my location
Should have told him about RFC 1918 Address Allocation for Private Internets. Hmm, maybe that wouldn't have helped…..
wait… WHOAAAA that's MY ip address too!! omg this scammer is best haxxor EVER!
I think I just woke up the roommate laughing so hard. It was worth it. I've gotten a good hour of enjoyment so far on your channel. Thanks.
Default local ip address LOL
You can get a scammer's IP though by hosting a fake banking website that redirects to a grabify link. You make them access the website on their computer and if they aren't using a VPN (they usually don't), you'll get their IP.
Bonus points if you make the grabify link redirect to a scary ass message. I did that once and the scammer flipped out.
THIS CONFUSES ME all ips ive herd of start with 192.168.0.#
how do people hack when everyone has
Nice bait click title
Where can I watch the whole thing?