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Mastering DNS on Windows Server 2012 R2 – learn IT Certification

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Mastering DNS on Windows Server 2012 R2 – learn IT Certification
Best IT Certification Course
Learn Basic to Advanced Configuration, Managing and Troubleshooting DNS (Domain Name System) on Windows Server 2012 R2
Configure, Manage and Troubleshoot DNS Servers on Windows Server 2012 R2,Learn how to integrate Active directory with DNS via AD integrated Zones,Learn how DNS resolves iterative and recursive queries,Learn how primary and secondary DNS servers works together
Basic Familiarity with Networking on Windows operating systems,What is this course about?,DNS or Domain Naming System is a mechanism for name resolution which is used worldwide in almost every type of networking environment. In this course, I’ll be covering basic fundamentals of DNS and Name resolution. Gradually we’ll progress through the advanced configuration of DNS and we’ll see how DNS can be integrated with Active Directory Directory Service or AD DS.   Proper designing the DNS infrastructure can solve most of the name resolution and security issues. You’ll learn how to secure the DNS and implement it for the internal and external namespace. At last, we’ll walk-through some troubleshooting tools to identify and troubleshoot name resolution issues.,,What kind of materials are used?,I’ve designed this course using Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC), so this course will also prepare you for MS exam 70-411 as DNS is one of the topics covered in the exam. Training will be done through videos where you’ll find lectures and hands-on. I’ve also provided some hands-on and exercises based on real-world scenarios as supplementary materials.,,What is the structure of the course?,This course is divided into five sections, I’ll be starting from basic fundamentals of DNS and gradually moving toward the core or advance configuration of DNS. Every lecture includes step by step hands-on.,,Why take this Course?,There are many reasons to take this course.,This course is designed according to Microsoft Official Curriculum and taught by Microsoft Certified Trainer.,Knowing the understanding level of students whether they are a beginner or advanced, this course is designed for all levels making it the best fit for everyone.,Hands-on are included in the course that is made keeping in mind the pattern of examination and application to the real-world scenario.,Students preparing for Microsoft exam 70-411IT professionals who are looking to learn new skills or want to update their existing skill to new changes in windows server 2012 R2Windows or Systems administrators who want to learn Ins and Out in DNS,Students preparing for Microsoft exam 70-411,IT professionals who are looking to learn new skills or want to update their existing skill to new changes in windows server 2012 R2,Windows or Systems administrators who want to learn Ins and Out in DNS


by Kevyn Kelsey

windows server dns

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