Mastering Network Load Balancing: Optimizing Your Connections!
Network Load Balancing:
1: Configuring Network Load Balancing Cluster
Network Load Balancing:
• Network Load Balancing (NLB) uses a distributed algorithm to balance IP traffic load across multiple hosts.
It helps to improve the scalability and availability of business-critical, IP-based services.
• NLB also provides high availability, because it detects host failures and automatically redistributes traffic
to surviving hosts.
• Windows Server 2012-2022 NLB clusters can have between 2 and 32 nodes.
• Balances traffic based on node utilization
– New traffic will be directed to the node that is being utilized the least
– You can configure NLB to preference some nodes over others
Server Failures and Recovery:
• NLB cluster heartbeats are transmitted every second between nodes in a cluster
• Convergence occurs when:
– A node misses five consecutive heartbeats, at which time it is automatically removed from an NLB cluster
– A node that was member of a cluster returns to functionality
– An administrator adds or removes a node manually
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windows server 2012
This is a very useful session Thank you.