Mastering the CKAD Exam: Strategies, Tips, and Resources | Your 2024 Success Plan 🚀

🚀 *CKAD Exam Prep: Strategies, Tips, and Resources* 🚀

Welcome to my channel! In this video, I share my journey to becoming a Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) and provide valuable insights into exam preparation strategies, tips, and essential resources.

*🚨 Key Takeaways:*
– Understand the CKAD exam and its importance.
– Discover resources that will supercharge your preparation.
– Develop effective study strategies and time management skills.
– Master tips and tricks to conquer the CKAD exam with confidence.

*🌐 Preparation Resources Mentioned:*

*💻 E-Resources:*
– Udemy Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD) with Tests by Mumshad Mannambeth: https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-kubernetes-application-developer/
– Kubernetes for developers by Linux Foundation (Bundle addition): https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/kubernetes-for-developers/

*🐙 Github Resources:*
– CKAD Practice Questions: https://github.com/aleti-pavan/ckad-practice-questions
– Denny Zhang kubectl cheatsheet: https://github.com/dennyzhang/cheatsheet-kubernetes-A4
– Kubernetes network policy recipes: https://github.com/ahmetb/kubernetes-network-policy-recipes
– CKAD Exercises: https://github.com/dgkanatsios/CKAD-exercises
– CKAD resources: https://github.com/lucassha/CKAD-resources

*🔍 Useful Links:*
🔗 CKAD Exam Information: https://training.linuxfoundation.org/certification/certified-kubernetes-application-developer-ckad/
🔗 Kubernetes Official Documentation: https://kubernetes.io/docs/
🔗 Official CKAD Exam Handbook: https://github.com/cncf/curriculum/blob/main/ckad_exam_v1.21.pdf
🔗 killer.sh CKAD exam simulator: https://killer.sh/ckad
🔗 VIM cheat sheet: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~15131/f17/topics/vim/vim-cheatsheet.pdf
🔗 Candidate Handbook: https://www.cncf.io/certification/candidate-handbook

*🔗 Connect with me:*
– *YouTube:* http://www.youtube.com/@ashwinkulkarni6548
– *LinkedIn:* https://www.linkedin.com/in/iashwin28
– *GitHub:* https://github.com/AshwinKul28

*📚 Timestamps:*
– 0:00 – Introduction
– 0:55 – Overview of CKAD Exam
– 1:55 – Curriculum
– 5:18 – Preparation Resources
– 12:10 – Study Strategy
– 14:43 – Tips for the Exam day
– 19:19 – Conclusion and Outro

*🙏 Thank You for Watching!*
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by Ashwin Kulkarni

linux foundation

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