Max Pool Beta Release: Optimize Your Abelian Token Mining Experience

Welcome to the official release of MaxPool, the state-of-the-art mining platform for Abelian tokens! Join Pascal, the lead developer, as he introduces and demonstrates the powerful features of Max Pool. Designed to enhance your mining experience, MaxPool offers:

🔷 Lower Payout Thresholds: Customize your payout limits and receive tokens on your terms.
🔷 Automatic Load Balancer: Efficiently routes miners to balance the network and enhance stability.
🔷 Seamless Server Connections: Connects mining rigs to the nearest servers automatically for consistent and regular payouts.
🔷 Abelian Super Node Integration: Learn about the Supernode feature for improved network performance.

This Discord Live Demo guides you through setting up your mining environment, whether you’re using Linux or HiveOS.

00:00 Introduction
03:01 Abelian Supernode
05:16 Setting up your machine
09:10 Mining with Linux
13:01 Rewards and payouts
15:42 Abelian wallet
18:16 Creating an account
25:00 Checking machine status

Tune in to explore the future of cryptocurrency mining with MaxPool and stay updated on upcoming events, campaigns, and games from the Abelian Foundation.

Abelian Foundation: [foundation.abelian.info](http://foundation.abelian.info/)
Abelian Foundation Discord: https://discord.gg/kFB8AySNYr
MaxPool: https://maxpool.org/home


by Abelian Foundation

linux foundation