MCTS 70-680: Windows7 System Restore Points
A system restore point takes a snap shot of your system. If any changes are made to the system files, registry or program files after this, the system can be reverted back to the previous system restore point. If a change is made to user documents, this can also be recorded. This will be covered in the next video. If you have software that will not uninstall, a problematic driver or your system is infected with Malware, a system restore point can take your system back to a time before this occurred and hopefully prevent you from having to reinstall your system. Reverting back to a previous system restore point does not affect your documents.
System restore point demo 03:41
System Protection
In Windows 7 System Restore Points and another feature covered in the next video called Previous Versions are grouped together under system protection. If you are using different versions of Windows, these features are separate from each other. To find them, look for system restore points, previous versions or shadow copies.
Restore points
A restore point is a snapshot of the system. It records the current state of the system which includes registry, system files, program files and changes to user documents. It uses a cache, the size of which can be changed. The cache is first in first out. To make room for new restore points, the oldest restore point will be removed.
A restore point can be created manually; however, they are also automatically created on start-up, at midday or when a significant system change occurs. Examples are when a non WHQL device driver is installed, Windows update is installed or application software is installed.
Using system restore points
If your system is bootable, you can access a system restore point through system protection. To access system protection, open the control panel and select system and security and then select system. Inside system select the option on the left hand side system protection. On this screen you will be able to select the option system restore to launch the system restore wizard. Before the system is restored using the restore point, another restore point is created so that you can go back if restoring to that restore point makes things worse.
If your system is not bootable or very unstable, you can use a system repair disc or the Windows 7 setup DVD to access restore points. You can create a system repair disc by launching create a system repair disc from the start menu. You don’t have to create the system repair disc on the same computer that you are going to use it on. If you use the Windows 7 setup DVD, select the option from the setup wizard “repair your computer.” Regardless of which option you use, when asked select the option “System Restore.” When you restore the system using this method, a restore point will not be created before the restore is performed, thus you can’t undo the changes.
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how to repair windows 7