Medal of Honor : Allied Assault |Walkthrough | Part 16 | Mission 5 | The Bridge

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (MoHAA) is a first-person shooter video game developed by 2015, Inc., on a modified version of the id Tech 3 engine (Quake III Arena engine). The game was published by Electronic Arts for the PC and released between January 22-February 15, 2002, later published by Aspyr for Mac OS X on August of the same year, and again for Linux in 2004. It is the third main installment of the series, the first to be developed for the PC rather than consoles. The game was a critical and commercial success, considered to be a foundation for many future first-person shooter games inspired by it. One iteration is the Call of Duty (CoD) franchise, originally created by Infinity Ward (IW). Incidentally, the franchise was founded by MoHAA’s former lead designers, Jason West and Vince Zampella, both whom later founded Respawn Entertainment after their departure from Infinity Ward. Also worth noting is retried USMC Captain Dale Dye has served as a military advisor for the development of the game, as well as provided voice-over for the background instructor in the training mission of MoHAA.

The game’s story is a revised and continuous version of the original game, set between 1942-1945 in Algeria, Norway, France, and Germany. Once again, the story follows Mike Powell, another US Army lieutenant; an infantryman first served with the 34th Infantry Division, later assigned to the 1st and then 2nd Ranger Battalions, finally recruited to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the same as the original game’s protagonist, Jimmy Patterson. Both characters are either assigned to different missions or fighting on the same grounds simultaneously, though story-wise they do not meet each other whatsoever.

MoHAA received two expansions, both introducing new single-player campaigns, multiplayer maps and game modes, weapons, characters, and various fixes or gameplay additions. the first expansion, Spearhead (MoHAA:SH), was developed by TKO Software, Inc. and released on November 12, 2002. The story of Spearhead follows Sgt. Jack Barnes (voiced by Gary Oldman), a paratrooper with the US Army’s 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. The campaign takes place in Normandy, Belgium and Berlin, as well as introducing two new allied factions; the British Army and the Soviet Red Army.

The second expansion, Breakthrough (MoHAA:BT), was developed by EA Los Angeles and released on September 22, 2003. The story of Breakthrough follows Sgt. John Baker, an infantryman with the US Army’s 34th Infantry Division. The campaign takes place in Tunisia, Sicily, and Italy, as well as introducing a new axis faction; the Italian Army.

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