MEF17 – Arpit Joshipura, Linux Foundation: Harmonizing Open Networking and Standards

MEF17, 15 Nov 2017 – Arpit Joshipura, General Manager, Networking Projects, the Linux Foundation gave a keynote focused on “Harmonizing Open Networking and Open Source.” Arpit challenged the industry: “Mandatory automation is required before 5G hits. You cannot have a scale of 5G that is 1,000 x volume, 100 x data rates, devices, 1/5th the latency” without automation. “It’s the biggest use case, and we need to make sure that networks are automated at the software layer.” Arpit provided an overview of the open networking landscape, gave an update on ONAP as the de-facto automation platform for carriers, and discussed important collaboration involving ONAP and MEF. This collaboration includes an ONAP-ONAP implementation with LSO APIs on MEF.net.


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