Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Method to write IPv6 in easiest way – Hindi/Urdu | Lec-03 | IPv6 Basics for beginners

Lec-03- In this lecture,i am explaining the rules to write IPv6 and how to write its abbreviated form.This is the most important lecture in this series.i explained lots of examples for better understanding.
In this tutorial for beginners I discuss the structure of the IPv6 address, the network portion, the interface ID, and the network prefix. The function of the different types of IPv6 addresses: global unicast, link-local, unique local, and anycast. How SLAAC works in IPv6 address auto-configuration along with EUI-64 to auto-configure the interface-id. The role of ICMPv6 in router and neighbor solicitation and advertisement (RS, RA, NS, NA). I also go over IPv6 addresses that are important to know like IPv6 all routes default gateway, loopback, and multicast addresses like the all solicited nodes multicast address

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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