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Microsoft Office Alternatives On Linux …

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► Chapters:

00:00 – Microsoft Office on Linux
00:30 – The Open Source Standard: LibreOffice
03:23 – OnlyOffice, the better alternative?
05:01 – WPS Office, the best clone?
05:50 – Microsoft 365
06:30 – Google Workspace
06:44 – Are these solutions proper substitutes?
07:40 – Conclusion


► Description Tags:

microsoft office on linux, microsoft office linux, microsoft office alternative linux, microsoft office free alternative, microsoft office free, how to install office on linux, how to install office 365 on linux, how to install office 365 on chromebook, best office alternative linux, michael horn


#linux #opensource #microsoft


by Michael Horn

linux web server

32 thoughts on “Microsoft Office Alternatives On Linux …

  • Everything other than the bootleg/hack PORTABLE (tiny) Microsoft Excel '97 is absolute krap 4 N E thing 2 do with spreadsheets. L8R versions of Micro$hit R crippleware like promise backward compatibility but never stop nagging no matter what, &/or 'ribbons' bull$hit & over-spaced menus so the window interface wastes literally 6-10X more space than necessary. Also besides silently destroying many formulas in spreadsheets made with Excel, Libre Office variants don't retain cell highlighting with dark themes, & gradient bull$hit on the control elements make everything much harder 2 read. OnlyOfice is a prank & not a real tool, combining the absurdly ugly flat confusing overly spaced & clumsy ribbons & 'cell phone layout for big toe tapping' garbage. WPS Office is paid, & only exists 4 the purpose of stealing yor data & sending it back 2 China 2 C if there is N E way 2 rob U through their 'partners', so the only game in town for spreadsheets is Miocro$oft Office '97 as the mini portable. I have tried ALL the other spreadsheet alternatives besides these 2! =) Don't waste yor time, or risk your credit/bank accunts, etc., with deliberately sabotaged bull$hit like Libre Office. It's also like (literally) 50X slower than Office '97. There R portable versions of Word & others 2 but those suk compared 2 many freeware word processors out there, even Only Office 'Writer' =))

    Linux is not an operating system. It is a sadistic prank. iTried supposedly the most 'user friendly' 1 out there = 'Tuxedo OS', & the file manager doesn't even have a folder tree in the left pane so U can easily navigate. This was all obvious & necessary & been in real operating systems even back to Windows 3.1, let alone Windows '95 on forward. After XP though Micro$oft destroyed in a a ton of ways, so really what would B ideal is a portable cross-platform file manager that is just like Windows Explorer from XP with QTTabBar installed, & where the left folder tree pane follows the tabbed control of the right pane so even easier to navigate. If N E 1 noze wat that iz = what programs do this, let me know at 'balkanguy (at) live (dot) com' =) & if it doesn't exist, I would like 2 pay somebody to 'portable-ize' the file manager (& save as dialog & task bar from XP,, with additions like 'Taskbar Shuffle' & 'Zoom It' & 'Wallpaper Master' added =) If U need your computers 4 doing actual work & not just 2 goof around, U need Windows XP. It is neither 'unsecure' nor 'obsolete'. It continues 2 run almost every ATM machine on Earth, etc.

  • Libre office needs a one drive connector. The available auctions are just not very good for OneDrive.

  • It'll be great if you create a tutorial like program for libre office suite.

  • Funny story about WPS being kind of suspicious.
    At my last work, some guy sent his resume as a WPS shareable link instead of attaching the file to his email. When the HR person clicked the link, it downloaded the installer for WPS office and automatically changed all the default apps from MS to WPS. She was very confused why "word changed how it looks" and also didn't realise it was caused by the email so didn't explain this to IT for a while. Now WPS is banned there ahah

  • LibreOffice is slightly roughly themed, but at least it runs. Microsoft Office takes ages to open a simple Word document… and with 365 it takes even longer. I can bring up a large document in LibreOffice within a second or two.

    I'm curious about OnlyOffice, will give that a shot.

    WPS Office was something I tried a decade ago and then threw away when it started dropping me ads and blocking features until paid for.

  • MS Office is kind of unavoidable if you really do word/Excel on a daily basis. Excel in particular is tough to let go! So, most of us who ditch MS Office (and more often than not, come back to it) are in some sort of niche.

  • Will try Only Office.
    Libre Office Writer and Calc are fine. But Impress is really not nice to interact with.

    Then there is only Onenote missing. Has anyone experience with installing Onenote standalone (this is possible!) with Vine and getting it to work?

  • do you think snapdragon x elite laptops will run linux greatly?

  • Don't forget Softmaker Office or the free version Freeoffice!
    Made in Germany and optimized for MS Office files!

  • You didn't mention freeoffice by softmaker. Not open source but free for personal use. You do have to register to use it past the trial period but they do send you a licence key that you keep and can use it if you ever have to reinstall especially if like me you distro hop a lot.

  • Try to create a folder page separation/divider sheet which is like 10×25 cm, and get some vertical text on the lower end of the sheet. That’s one challenge most word competitors fail.

  • For all the commenters bemoaning the lack of tabs in Libre Office: Open separate windows and switch using the 'Window' option in the menu bar

  • softmaker office is also a great alternative and it has profesional dictionaries for spell check and better suport for other languages than English

  • I find it weird that you mentioned their file type, but not Open office itself. Also I have found in the past that saving things in other formats will still make them only readable to Microsoft office.

  • I have a touch screen laptop an sadly LibreOffice and onlyoffice doesn't not support pages scrolling with hand gestures. It does work on a PDF and web browsing. I wish this is implemented in a near future.

  • I really like onlyoffice, but it's missing many features that Libreoffice has that I need. So for now I use libreoffice

  • Just create you documents in the command line like a real man

  • Hi Michael, thanks for the great overview. In my opinion, an important representative is missing from the alternatives. I myself currently use the free version of SoftMaker Office. In my current opinion, it offers more functions than OnlyOffice and is very compatible with the market leader's file format.

  • I love the Libre/Open Office default interface, as it’s similar to the older versions of MS Office that didn’t have the STUPID, STUPID ribbon.

  • Just tried out MS Office online. It bugs out when I try deleting documents, and refuses to change the autocorrect language to anything except English (US)

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