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Migrating C9300 Catalyst to Meraki with CMDS (Unabridged) (orchestrating and automating) Part 2

Please use this link to access Installation and Overview guide for CMDS:

GitHub REPO:

This is part two of a two part video series.
Part two is an in depth, step by stpe procedure to utilize CMDS and it’s features to migrate the switches from IOS-XE (upgrading) to the Meraki Dashboard.

This will provide you an Overview of CMDS
(C)atalyst to (M)eraki (D)eployment (S)erver
This is an on-premise server platform that is designed to provide a seamless experience for migrating
Catalyst 9300 series switches to the Meraki platform with a Dialog based menu system.

The server is built upon Rocky Linux and is script based. It makes this a portable solution across
any hypervisor that will support Rocky linux, on multiple architectures.

The Server can be configured with the following capabilities:
(If in a Lab setting or for testing)
-An (Optional) NTP server to service the switches
-An (Optional) DHCP Server to service the switches
-An (Optional) Caching name server to service the switches (for DNS resolution)
-A TFTP server for switch config collection (mandatory)

-A Set of scripts to allow you to do the following:
-Harvest the switches (for analysis)
-Clean the File System on the switch (remove inactive files)
-Validate the Version of IOS-XE running on the switch platform (16.6.2 upgrade path to 16.12, oneshot to 17.09.03m3)
-Provide guidance on the version (s) needed to get to a supported version of IOS-XE for Meraki migration (minimum requirements and oneshot versions)
-Deploy these (IOS-XE) changes for you
-Deploy the upgrades on the switches
-Validate software configurations on the switches
-If there are any deltas in the configurations, provide guidance to put them into compliance
-The server will then deploy these changes for you (If needed)
-Validate hardware configurations on the switches and provide guidance for a successful upgrade
-Deploy the switches to be registered with the Meraki Cloud
-Provide API integration to claim the devices to the dashboard
-Migrate hostnames
-Provide Switch template configurations for the new deployment (assigning designated ports for wireless, cameras, etc) and deploy via API
-All of this being able to be scheduled (i.e. IOS-XE images can start at 1 A.M. without any intervention, short of you requesting it, with active and archive logging capabilities)
-Provide all logging/transaction history
-Configuration archival and download
-Provide documentation of all logging and successful registration with converted Serial Numbers

Please use this link to access Installation and Overview guide for CMDS:


by Meraki Matt

linux dhcp server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.