Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

3 thoughts on “MikroTik #IPv6 #PrefixDelegation Server Setup

  • Dave. Great video. I watched it multiple times. Question. I have /56 from my ISP provider. I'm a wisp provider. So I want to reassign the /56 to my wifi router (dhcp cient) using prefix delegation server. So I have multiple wifi router connected wireless to my radios on the tower through a mimosa cpe. I setup the delegation server at my router where the radios are connected. When the wifi router is connected, it will talk to the delegation server. Here are my questions:
    1. I assume I have to setup delegation at the router for each radios because they are in separate VLAN?
    2. On my server. IPv6 Pool, what prefix land prefix length I should use? I use prefix 60 and prefix length 64
    3. Does the DHCPv6 Client pool prefix has to be match the prefix length of the DHCP pool at the server (i.e. 64)
    4. Would it be a problem with I have 500 DHCP clients (i.e. 500 CPE/Wifi router)? Since /56 only has 256 /64s subnet
    5. Each client will show up separately at the DHCPv6 server binding tab?
    6. Some of the DHCPv6 clietn will not bound. It will state on searching until I reset the DHCP server. Do you know why?

    Thank you

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