Mission impossible 🤧 part 1 Repair of the GP Electronic Windows 7” Tablet
Meet the worlds rarest Tablet in the world : Warning this video is long…..
Get some chips and relax with the video …
Craziest Tab ever , got it for 15 bucks
from Richy and he was happy 😊 to get rid of it .. and I understand why , but Still very happy to make Worlds first review
about this thingie 😊
⚠️ Warning : Not for people that have
a short temper or high blood pressure
Enjoy part 1 –
Battery was tired 😴 of powering
the Tab so we will have a part 2
Keep this one in your collection ..
Drivers wanted so if you recognize
this Tab make some noise 😉🤚
We need to fix this Tab or install CM13 on her as only
os or maybe dualboot ?
Great idea for part 3 😉
If you have this tablet … please make a backup
from the running drivers and upload them
to Mega or Mediafire – You will be blessed .
Continue to part 2 :
Link Mission impossible (part2) GP Electronic meets – #Driverpack Solution & Driver Booster https://youtu.be/pbGvTESaRTM
Video Channel48
With Your host Puck Darlington (c)
how to repair windows 7