NETWORKSTelecom Networks

MLinkPlanner 2.0

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MLinkPlanner 2.0 is a powerful and user-friendly tool for planning point-to-point (PtP), point-to-multipoint (PtMP), and LTE / 5G fixed wireless access (FWA) networks.

MLinkPlanner was created by engineers with many years of experience in designing microwave links, from single-hop access links to high-power long-haul trunk lines.

Fully automatic path profile generation with terrain elevation, tree height, and building height based on:
– Terrain elevation data with 2-30 m plane resolution (Default DEM). For more details on data sources, see Appendix 1: “Default DEM”. It is also possible to use custom DEM in GeoTIFF format with any plane resolution.
– Global Tree Cover data with 1 arc sec (about 30 m) resolution, including information about tree height. Data sources: High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change Published by Hansen, Potapov, Moore, Hancher et al. Department of Geographical Sciences University of Maryland and Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology.
– Global 3D building data from the OpenStreetMap project database. Data source: Our buildings database, which synchronizes with the global OpenStreetMap database.
All of these types of geodata are automatically downloaded to the required area as needed; there is no need to worry about preloading the geodata. You can also edit the automatically generated path profile or create a new one manually.
The application allows you to use standard basemaps (such as OpenStreetMap, OpenTopoMap, US Topo etc.) and custom ones.

MLinkPlanner 2.0 can perform the calculation and optimization of PtP, PtMP and FWA link parameters, including:
– Path profile analysis (evaluate different clearance criteria, obstruction loss, reflection geometry)
– Multipath fade probability prediction (Rec. ITU-R P.530-17 method; Vigants-Barnett method)
– Rain fade estimation (Rec. ITU-R P.530-17 method; Crane method)
– Diversity improvement calculation (frequency, space, and quad diversity)
– Co-channel operation
– Error performance and availability prediction (Rec. ITU-R F.1668, Rec. ITU-R F.1703)
– Reflection analysis (Rec. ITU-R P.530-17)
– Diffraction loss analysis (Rec. ITU-R P.526-15 Complete Bullington method or Diffraction over multiple cylinders method; Deygout principle method with correction ITU-R-P.526-11; Epstein-Peterson method)
– Gaseous attenuation (Rec. ITU-R P.676-11)
– Attenuation in vegetation (Rec. ITU-R P.833-9)
MLinkPlanner 2.0 can perform coverage prediction for PtMP and outdoor Wi-Fi using different area study methods:
– Received Power Studies at subscriber stations (CPE)
– Best Server
– Carrier-to-interference + noise ratio C/(I+N) at subscriber stations (CPE)
MLinkPlanner 2.0 allows you to:
– Use the large set of radio equipment specifications that come with the software.
– Save the result of the coverage prediction as an interactive web page, as a PNG image, GeoTIFF or as a KMZ file.
– Compare the coverage prediction results performed for different conditions
– Automatically link subscriber stations to BS sectors based on the best server prediction
– Flexibly adjust the layers on the base map and show custom vector layers
– Use metric or English measurement systems.


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