MonitorsTwo walkthrough – Purple Training – Hack The Box (Dec 2023)
MonitorTwo walkthrough by JF Provost from Malvik Security.
Steve Bowers from Blue Team Cyber will offer us a unique Blue Team perspective.
Connect with us on Social Media.
X (Twitter)::
JF: @JFProvost_
Steve: @the_blueteam
Don’t miss your chance to learn on both sides of the spectrum (Red + Blue = Purple).
Discord invite link:
You will need a VIP account to access the presented machine during the live stream.
If you don’t have a VIP account, please join our Discord server to request access to our dedicated server in the 🔓「server-access」channel in Discord.
The 🔓「server-access」channel will open 24 hours before the event starts.
Only 50 spots are available on the dedicated server, providing access to retired machines without support. First come, first served basis.
Join us on Discord for chat, support, and gifs/memes!
Questions/ or 👷「get-support」channel in Discord!
by Hack The Box Ottawa – Meetup
linux dns server
Understanding both sides of cybersecurity, namely the offensive and defensive sides, will help you acquire skills that cannot be developed through traditional means. Additionally, the concept of security by design is extremely important. When companies develop applications with security in mind, they can save a significant amount of money and reduce the time developers spend on building the application by understanding the potential attack vectors.
We really enjoyed our meetup and hope to see you again in the next one.
Connect with us on Social Media.
X (Twitter)::
JF: @JFProvost_
Steve: @the_blueteam
JF and Steve