Monty Taylor – OpenStack Summit 2015 – theCUBE

Big players collaborate in the OpenStack community | #openstack
by Nelson Williams | Jun 1, 2015

The OpenStack Summit continues to grow and evolve, according to Monty Taylor, a technologist with HP Cloud. Taylor joined John Furrier of theCUBE at OpenStack Summit 2015 to talk about the growing OpenStack community.

According to Taylor, more people were attending the Summit, and the makeup of the attendees had shifted toward users and deployers. People were talking about their actual businesses using OpenStack and were showing live demos of their projects.

Bringing big players together

“In addition to building great software, which obviously we want to do, was to build that community,” Taylor said. The OpenStack model allowed big companies to work together collaboratively to improve the technology. This big-tent concept proved a strong reason for OpenStack’s growing success.

The core of things was the service architecture, a set of tools behind an API. This put the tools in the hands of the makers inside companies, enabling engineers to execute immediately on new ideas without having to send requests up and down the company ladder.

Conversations with customers

The discussion turned to the needs of customers and what they wanted from OpenStack. Taylor explained that the prime concern he’d heard from that direction is a need for tech that allows them to keep up with the changing pace of commerce. Customers have also shown an interest in getting on the Cloud bandwagon. The strategy, he said, changes when companies can use these technologies to build a project in a week instead of six months.
John Furrier then asked about HP Cloud itself and what people should know about them. Taylor responded by noting some of the services HP Cloud provides, such as public Clouds and managed private Clouds. He also mentioned that customers aren’t usually looking for a single solution but instead tend to favor a hybrid approach, which HP Cloud can deliver.



by SiliconANGLE theCUBE


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