Mozilla Thunderbird Tutorial [Howto] Get Yahoo! IMAP Mail For Free [Walkthrough] part 3 Thunderbird Zoho Notes. Create new email accounts in Thunderbird. It is possible to get direct IMAP access without signing up for paid access nor using software like YPOPs! or FreePOPs. Get your Yahoo! Mail for free! You need a special version of thunderbird:
incoming server: (IMAP port 143)
outgoing server: (SMTP SSL port 465)
password: same as yahoo webmail
Screenshot of settings in shredder (thunderbird 3)
you can also use IMAPs (IMAP with SSL)
incoming server: (IMAP enable SSL port 993)l
certificate does not match hostname so you have to accept manually
Walkthrough [part I]:
Get Portable Apps Suite™, Webmail Extension & Thunderbird For Yahoo Imap
Walkthrough [part II]
Install Portable Apps Suite™, Webmail Extension & Thunderbird For Yahoo Imap
Walkthrough [part III]
Create new email accounts in Thunderbird and get Yahoo! Mail For Free & Gmail (googlemail), live (hotmail), aol
From Wikipedia:
Yahoo operates IMAP servers ( in particular), which are globally accessible. However they require a specific, but non-standard IMAP command to be sent before login is done. The command is: “ID (“GUID” “1”)” and it is relatively easy to modify any email client to send it. In fact this is the method currently employed by YPOPSs! and FreePOPs. There are modified version of Mutt (e-mail_client) and Thunderbird available that send this command mutt and thunderbird with yahoo imap support.
There is also an IMAPs server running at It is using SSL on the standard port 993. The certificate is for * and doesn’t match the address of the server ( so the user has to manually confirm when connecting. IMAPs should work with the above software.
In addition it is also possible to send mail through mail clients as yahoo also operates an SMTPs server ( It is necessary to enable SSL through port 465. The username is the user’s yahoo mail address and the password is the same as for webmail access, this applies to both IMAP and SMTPs access.
It remains to be seen whether yahoo will disable these “features” if more people start using them.
BtW – extension enables access to Ymail, , Live, Hotmail, Lycos, MailDotCom, Gmail, AOL, Libero, etc.
Screenshot live/hotmail settings
by CULTURguEter
linux smtp client