46 thoughts on “My Visual Studio Code Setup for Web Development

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    Posted July 20, 2023 by Forrest Knight

    Original Comment: So, what are your favorite VS Code settings & extensions? And what theme are you running?

  • "cursor animation: phase" and "smooth caret: on" (inside settings: makes vscode look and feel at least 10x smoother)

  • It's pronounced an·draa·muh·duh, like the Greek God.

  • Bro. I am a Newbie. This video is super confusing for me. I don't get any insight. I got only one thing: The Theme. You lost me at this Bash Thing… Try to get it… It says run something… I'm lost. Sorry.

  • my favorite theme is "beautiful dracula darker" its absolutely gorgeous

  • Being a technical savant but not being able to pronounce Andromeda correctly is peak programmer

  • Fira Code is great when working in Elixir. Pipe functions look great

  • It's as most of the time just a matter of preference. I used VSCode for quite a while. But then I started a new job 3 years ago and got a PHPStorm / IntelliJ licence from my employer, so I started to use PHPStorm because everybody else in my team did. And after some getting used to it I now use it exclusively, even in my private projects, because I like it more.

  • You're saying about a few extensions that they should be built in vscode, and also why they're not.
    VSCode is quite light the way it is now because of that, a lot of other people will never touch html or css with it, why should it be built in for them?

  • VS code is not an ide, it is a rich text editor that understands code languages with extensions

  • Microsoft literally owns the development world😂

  • The biggest reason I see for having the minimap enabled is being able to see overlooked errors in code.

  • Let me know when it's an actual, powerful IDE.

  • Okay, I just confirmed, my comments are getting deleted because I'm calling out your incorrect pronunciation of Andromeda? O.o seriously? I've posted three times and though my internet was screwing up and not posting, however I verified this time and it's gone once again…which means only one thing, it's being deleted….how childish.

  • If you watch it in 2023 you need to enable editor.linkedEditing will replace the auto rename tag extension and will let you automatically change the matching tags and works in all files like vue, jsx, and.…

  • I use vim or vi when connect to remote host and has no other options for editing.
    I'm just geniuinely curious who use that for development lol.

  • whyd you say andromeda like that? its not andro meta its pronounced andraumeda lmaoo

  • hey @fknight, would it be possible to get the whole "settings.json" code from this video? would appreciate it a lot! thanks

  • I am subscribed Forrest, and have been for some years. You look much better with the shorter hair too BTW.

  • LOVING that keyboard – what is it, if you don't mind me asking?

  • Obviously Dracula theme. Dracula has meaning in syntax highlighting. One dark pro is almost same, but there were some codes that dracula decided to highlight better which One dark pro just kept it default. So I use dracula.

  • I was looking for this exactly, but I didn't find your config.json

    I loved much more than others

    This one became my favorite

    Help me, I'm from Brazil we love this guy so much <3

  • Minimap looks ugly and I really never ever use it. Learn to jump to lines and/or use the ctrl-f if its a large file.

  • Nah I'm gana use "YOUR" theme, here, homie, lookin' SLICK yes indeed!!!! … .. And some nice extension recommendations that "Prettier" is a Must Have for any real coders out there. For sure. WOW , VS Code is so awesome. ~ Cheers , ~ "the" Rev

  • I am new to coding. Why don't you just open VS Code from a shortcut why do you open via powershell?

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