My Windows Doesn't Work After An Update! Black Screen! I Need Your Help!

Hello Steemit and YouTube followers! I currently need your help. So I updated My Windows Laptop to the latest Windows 10 update. The update seems to have gone fine I get to the login screen. But when I login the only thing that I see is my Windows cursor with a black screen.

The only thing that works is CTRL + ALT + DELETE to get something interesting showing up. But the task manager only shows a loading bar and it never shows up. So I can’t access the system. I tried to search for boot in safe mode but it doesn’t work with F8 key as in the past.

You are suppose to hold down shift and click restart. I tried that but it just goes back to the same login screen. My computer is the ASUS Predator 17x with high-end specs like: Intel Core i7 6820 Quad-core clocked at 2.7GHz, GTX 980 Desktop Graphics card, 32GB RAM, 512GB SSD and 1TB HDD.

So how do I restore the PC or what are more steps that I can try? I can reach into the BIOS but not quite sure if that can help me get access to Windows 10 OS and get it back working again.

This is a bit sad because I buy a 3000 euro laptop to have it work smooth and perfect and not constantly run into issues. But Microsoft seems to be having serious issues how to get Windows to work it feels like they have abandoned their OS! When you try to do basic things like log out from Windows 10 you have to search it on Google!

That is not how it should be. I never have had a need to search out problems for my MacBook Pro or iMac because most things just work. You can feel how they truly care about creating a perfect experience. Take for example the weirdness with Windows 10 UI. They have mixed the old with the new. And they have removed many features that complicates stuff even more. Windows 7 had the best user experience and design.

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