Native American History in Southern Oregon Presented by David Lewis, PhD.
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The Friends of the Cascade- Siskiyou National Monument is proud to feature the work of Dr. David Lewis in our upcoming Inspiring Connections with Nature presentation on May 6th. Dr. Lewis is a Native American researcher and educator with over 20 years of experience in Anthropology and Native Studies. In his upcoming lecture, Dr. Lewis will discuss the history of the Native American tribes of southern Oregon, including those with ancestral ties to the land of the Cascade- Siskiyou National Monument. Many times, this history is told while disregarding the Native perspective. Dr. Lewis’s presentation is designed to tell the story and dispel common stereotypes of the Native experience in historical southern Oregon.
David Lewis, Ph.D.
Professor of Anthropology/Native Studies @Oregon State University
KEYNOTE SPEAKER: David G. Lewis, PhD, is a member of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, a descendant of the Takelma, Chinook, Molalla, and Santiam Kalapuya peoples of western Oregon. David has engaged in research on the tribal histories of Northwest Coastal peoples, specializing in the Western Oregon Tribes. David served as the director of the Southwest Oregon Project Collection at the UO and was the Culture Department manager of the Grand Ronde Tribe for 8 years. David has a PhD in anthropology from the University of Oregon (2009) and teaches full time in Anthropology and Native Studies at OSU. David’s research essays about the histories of the tribes are published on the blogsite David lives in Salem with his wife Donna, and sons Inatye and Saghaley.
David West
Director Emeritus, Native American Studies @Southern Oregon University
INTRODUCTION: M.A. Community Psychology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks 1990; B.A. Sociology, University of Oregon 1981, enrolled member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. David was the Native American Studies coordinator at Southern Oregon University until his retirement in 2015. David taught the Core courses in N.A. Studies at Southern Oregon University offering insight into both the historical perspectives as well contemporary Native American issues. His advocacy efforts for Native American Indian education in Oregon is evidenced by the success of Konaway Nika Tillicum, a residential Native American youth summer academy held on the University campus . This academy is a stand alone unique model program in Oregon and the West Coast. David is a member of the Oregon Indian Education Association, the National Indian Education Association, The National Congress of American Indians and serves as the institutional representative for the Southern Region with the Oregon Indian Coalition
Stasie Maxwell
Board Member @Friends of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
Stasie grew up in Ashland and has a deep love for this area. Studying Tai Chi in Eugene, OR deepened her respect and affection for the biodiversity and interconnectedness of this land and its inhabitants. An SOU alumna, she hopes to unite her passion with action by bridging connections between education, health and wellness, herbal medicine, and the wisdom of the indigenous people in relation to the monument.For supplemental information to Dr. David Lewis’s presentation, his recent articles about the CSNM are listed below.
More information from David Lewis can be found at:
cisco academie