Navigating Docker With Captains: Edith | Episode 4

About the episode:
In the fourth episode of “Navigating Docker With Captains,” I had a conversation with Edith Puclla, who is a Docker Captain, CNCF Ambassador and Technology Evangelist at Percona.

We talk about Edith’s journey in Docker and Kubernetes. She shares how she got into Docker, joined local communities, and became a Docker Captain. Edith highlights the importance of teamwork in building a strong engineering culture. She stresses inclusivity, making everyone feel welcome, no matter their expertise. She also shares a lesson learned – the significance of testing changes in isolated environments. We discuss lesser-known Docker features. Edith points out the usefulness of Docker logs for troubleshooting. She’s excited about learning and presenting on Kubernetes operators, especially for databases.

Edith: https://twitter.com/EdithPuclla

About the series:
The “Navigating Docker With Captains” (NDWC) series is part of an effort to create fun, valuable, dev-focused content. We bring Docker Captains and learn from their experiences, successes, failures, and perspectives on the dev and Docker journey.

All my links: http://links.pradumnasaraf.dev

#devops #docker #programming #dev #ndwc


by Pradumna Saraf

linux foundation