Navigating FDC3 UX: A Call for Universal FDC3 UX Patterns for an Improved Interop Landscape

Presented at Open Source In Finance Forum 2023 – NYC
Presented by Michael Lynch – Symphony, Chuck Danielsson – Adaptive & Lise Noble – Discover Financial Services

Title: Navigating FDC3 UX: A Call for Universal FDC3 UX Patterns for an Improved Interop Landscape
Abstract: Navigating FDC3 UX: A Call for Universal FDC3 UX Patterns for an improved Interop Landscape In this panel talk, we will discuss the current-state of FDC3 UX patterns, the common pitfalls we see in today’s solutions, as well as the need for contributions from across the community to form more mature UX patterns. As more and more vendors ship batteries-included components that are FDC3-enabled, the need for the community to form stronger, more mature UX patterns to support complex FDC3 workflows is greatly needed in order to ensure a sane user experience where FDC3 actions are discoverable, predictable and universally recognized. This panel talk will be geared to raising awareness around the issue of UX & FDC3, encouraging the community to rally around this problem and encourage participation in a number of practical ways.

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