Neptune OS

Neptune is a GNU/Linux Distribution for desktops based fully upon Debian Stable (‘Buster’), except for a newer kernel and some drivers. It ships with a modern KDE Plasma Desktop with its main view on a good looking multimedia system which allows for getting work done. It also is a system which is flexible and very useful on usb sticks. Therefore we developed easy to use applications like USB Installer as well as a Persistent Creator that allows you to store changes to your system on your live usb stick.
The Debian repository is the major base for getting updates and new software. Furthermore Neptune ships with its own software repository to update our own applications. (see Neptune Repositories for more information)
Neptune tries to get the BeOS message of a fully supported multimedia OS to a next generation of users.
Neptunes focuses on providing an elegant out of the box experience for the users. Therefore we ship a nice and simple overall look and feel as well as a whole bunch of multimedia tools, like codecs, flash player, audio and video player.
Multimedia being one of the core features of Neptune we also ship the greatest free and open source tools for audio and video editing.
Download link :
Neptune OS : https://neptuneos.com/en/start-page.html
balenaEtcher : https://www.balena.io/etcher/


by Rhesus

linux foundation

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