Neshoba Church Sunday Service: "Ubuntu" with Chrysti Hogan – November 29, 2020
Chrysti Hogan will be our pulpit guest this week. She is speaking on Ubuntu, a South African philosophy, and how it relates to our UU principles.
Order of Service:
Prelude: “We Are Not Our Own”
Performed by Elaine and David Orland, Music Director
Welcome: Opening Words by Joan Javier-Duval
Chrysti Hogan, Board President
Chalice Lighting
Jeanne Ortmann, Worship Associate
Story for All Ages: “I Love You, Stinky Face” by Lisa McCourt
Read by Rachel Farmer
Chrysti Hogan, Board President
Interlude: “Dona Nobis Pacem” Traditional
Performed by David Orland, Music Director
Reading: “A House Called Tomorrow” by Alberta Rios
Chrysti Hogan, Board President
Homily: “Ubuntu”
Chrysti Hogan, Board President
Meditation: “Words by Rev. Ashley Horan
Chrysti Hogan, Board President
Postlude: “Break Not the Circle”
Performed by Elaine and David Orland, Music Director