Linux serverlinux web serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

.NET Deployment on Linux with NGINX

This video will guide you to deploy the .NET application on the Linux environment with Nginx.

00:00 Intro
00:10 Create instance
03:29 DNS setup
06:27 Create SSH key
08:33 Create new .NET project
09:50 Connect to instance via SFTP client
10:53 Upload files to remote directory
11:59 Create System File
13:34 Enable and start system service
14:18 Install SSL
16:28 Update Nginx default configuration
17:35 Attach SSL
18:36 Create Nginx proxy
19:29 Update the Nginx Configuration file
20:27 Restart Nginx and check the result

Background music from 별 헤는 다락방 Starry Attic
✨샛별(Daystar) – 🌊Baby Whale’s Dream🐳✨(Royalty Free Music)


by Ayden’s Channel

linux web server

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