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Network Simulator Malayalam Tutorials

Network Simulator Malayalam Tutorials.

Network Simulator
It is a software tool developed to support computer networks analysis and design. Some of the network simulators are of general-purpose use and other dedicated to simulate particular types of computer networks. Network simulation is one kind of method in the research of a computer network where a software program forms the performance of a network by analyzing the relations between the various network entities such as links, Nswitched, routers, nodes, access points.
In a simulator, the computer network can be modelled with the help of links,
devices and applications and the performance of a network can be reported.
Example of some open-source simulators are Marrionet, Netkit, Network Simulator.
version 2 (NS2), and JSIM.
Cisco Packet Tracer
Packet Tracer is a cross-platform visual simulation tool designed by Cisco
Systems that allows users to create network topologies and imitate modern
computer networks. The software allows users to simulate the configuration of
Cisco routers and switches using a simulated command line interface. Packet
Tracer makes use of a drag and drop user interface, allowing users to add and
remove simulated network devices as they see fit. The software is mainly focused
towards Certified Cisco Network Associate Academy students as an educational
tool for helping them learn fundamental CCNA concepts

Network Simulator;
cisco packet tracer;
Network Emulator;
Network Performance Monitor;
network emulation;
virtual network;


cisco academie

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