Network Test Automation on Steroids: NetBox and Netpicker
Watch this webinar and learn how to supercharge your network with Automated Testing using NetBox with and replace your ‘legacy’ config backup tools with a modern and free alternative.
It features an introduction to and integration with NetBox. Discover what these tools can do and how they fit together in a modern Network Automation architecture.
It covers:
– How to replace old config backup tools (like Rancid) with Netpicker’s free edition using docker architecture, Netmiko support (117+ vendors), Git backups, powerful GUI & API and integrated PyTesting
– Automated Network Testing: Learn how easy it is to validate your network with (existing) Pytests, use AI-generated tests and manage everything with easy GUI & API
– Using NetBox as a Dynamic Inventory Source for Netpicker to allow closed-loop automation and validation of intent vs state.
– How you can contribute to developing community tests
Slides from the presentation are available here:
by NetBox Labs
simple network management protocol
is this work with datacenter version of netbox as well