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Networker Notification – Email

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Networker notification provides information about events that occur in a NetWorker environment.
Notifications are a very important part of daily operations especially the ones that can be sent to your email inbox because you are made aware of any critical backup status as soon as that event occurs. The event could be anything from a failure or a successful completion to a device related event.
There are broadly 2 types of notifications in NetWorker
General notifications which trigger a notification every time a relevant event occurs. Events can be anything from backup related, media related, services and much more, these are available under server tab in the NetWorker Administration GUI . And the other is Policy notification which is for backup related notification only and is available for configuration on Policy, workflow and on actions settings. Each of them provides varying levels of details.


smtp -s “${NSR Policy} – ${workflow} – ${action} – ${status}” -h
mailx -s “${NSR Policy} – ${workflow} – ${action} – ${status}”


Setting up mailx
yum install mailx -y

mkdir ~/.certs
certutil -N -d ~/.certs
echo -n | openssl s_client -connect | sed -ne ‘/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p’ _replace_with_greater_sign ~/.certs/gmail.crt
certutil -A -n “Google Internet Authority” -t “C,,” -d ~/.certs -i ~/.certs/gmail.crt

Enter the following with relevant details into the /etc/mail.rc file
set smtp-use-starttls
set ssl-verify=ignore
set smtp=smtp://
set smtp-auth=login
set nss-config-dir=/root/.certs
set smtp-auth-user=$FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS
set smtp-auth-password=$EMAIL_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD

Testing the email set up
echo -e “Test email from the backup server” | mailx -v -s “Test email”


Sending Email Using mailx/s-nail in Linux Through Gmail SMTP


by crazyRov Studios

linux smtp server

12 thoughts on “Networker Notification – Email

  • Nice video a usual. Small correction though. The events talked about at around 1:50 are SNMP events and not SMTP

  • Hlw @crazyRov
    is there any way to change the content of action email notifications?
    like that:
    — Traditional Backup Action report —

    Policy name:File System

    Workflow name:File System_DMS

    Action name:backup

    Action status:succeeded

    Action start time:07/10/23 16:00:00 Action duration:0 hours 23 minutes 39 seconds Total 1 client(s), 0 Succeeded with warning(s), 1 Succeeded, 0 Failed, 0 Unresolved.

    Not like that:
    — Traditional Backup Action report — Policy name:File System Workflow name:File System_DMSDB Action name:backup Action status:succeeded Action start time:07/10/23 16:00:00 Action duration:0 hours 23 minutes 39 seconds Total 1 client(s), 0 Succeeded with warning(s), 1 Succeeded, 0 Failed, 0 Unresolved.

  • Hi I we are running postfix server as a smtp relay server in our environment. from networker server command line i am able to send a test email to my email . but while i am configuring notification in NMC i am getting this error "/usr/sbin/sendmail: No such file or directory

    . . . message not sent". FYI my smtp server is running on RHEL 7.9 networker server version is 19.7 running on RHEL 8.7 and NMC is running on windows server 2016. kindly suggest what is wrong here.

  • Please let me know how to get the smtp email notification if any client is deleted or modified on Networker, like what event is used for this at general
    Level under servers tab

  • Hi Bro, in my environment, we have configured bootstrap Policy email notification at policy level, we are receiving only sever db action report but clone action report is missing. Can you guide me what could be the problem.

  • Great Video! Where did you find the documentation for the variables ${NSR Policy}? I have been looking for this for quite some time.

  • Nice video. Can you please help me how to receive "mminfo -B" output at the completion of backup server workflow in order to keep bootstrap SSID, because we need it during disaster recovery of Networker Server.

  • Can you please share detail steps how to install mailx (mail server) to configure email notification on Windows or Linux .
    Email ID :

  • Thanks a lot for all these videos on NetWorker. These are of great help.

    Request you to please make a video on how to perform different kinds of restorations like MSSQL, RMAN, exchange etc…if you can..


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