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Networking in gcp | Reserve External & Internal Static IP Address | google cloud platform tutorial

Hello Friends,

I am Rajesh Mohapatra and Welcome to our YouTube Channel “SaiRaj TechCloud!”

Lesson: 82 What is Reserve External & Internal Static IP Address on the Google Cloud Platform?

I explained in this session as below:

1. What is Reserve External Static IP Address on the Google Cloud Platform?
2. What is Reserve Internal Static IP Address on the Google Cloud Platform?
3. Explain more details about the Reserve External & Internal Static IP Address in GCP.
4. Benefits of Reserve External & Internal Static IP Address in GCP
5. Real time use cases for Reserve External & Internal Static IP Address.

Watch another video to learn more about GCP :

Create a new VM using GCP Console Portal in 5 minutes

Create a new Linux server using GCP API in 2 minutes

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How do you find the secret of Virtualization

Load balancer with Managed Instance Group | MIG Stateless in GCP

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Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.