New COSMIC details exposed, Vanilla OS 2.0, Serpent OS & more Linux news

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### SHOW NOTES ►► https://thisweekinlinux.com/274
### FORUM THREAD ►► https://forum.tuxdigital.com/t/274-new-cosmic-details-leaked-vanilla-os-2-0-serpent-os-more-linux-news/6355

### Chapters:
00:00 Intro
00:40 COSMIC Alpha is so close
02:09 Vanilla OS 2.0 Released
05:43 Serpent OS Prealpha0 Released
09:02 Sovereign Tech Fund introduces fellowship pilot program
11:26 Gear Lever for AppImages
13:46 Funtoo Linux is being discontinued
15:35 DreamWorks’ OpenMoonRay 1.6 Released
17:13 Outro

SHOW NOTES ►► https://thisweekinlinux.com/274


– COSMIC Desktop is so close
– https://blog.system76.com/post/cosmic-team-interview-byoux
– https://blog.system76.com/post/cosmic-july-2024
– Vanilla OS 2.0 Released
– https://vanillaos.org/blog/article/2024-07-28/vanilla-os-2-orchid—stable-release
– https://www.omglinux.com/vanilla-os-2-released-with-android-app-support/
– https://9to5linux.com/vanilla-os-2-orchid-released-with-hybrid-debian-base-heres-whats-new
– https://www.phoronix.com/news/Vanilla-OS-2
– Serpent OS Prealpha0 Released
– https://serpentos.com/blog/2024/08/01/serpent-os-prealpha0-released/
– https://9to5linux.com/first-look-at-serpent-os-minimal-gnome-desktop-and-rust-based-package-manager
– Sovereign Tech Fund introduces fellowship pilot program
– https://www.sovereigntechfund.de/news/introducing-the-fellowship-for-maintainers
– https://www.phoronix.com/news/STF-Fellowship-Program
– https://lwn.net/Articles/984266/
– Gear Lever for AppImages
– https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/07/gear-lever-appimage-app-for-gnome
– https://flathub.org/apps/it.mijorus.gearlever
– https://mijorus.it/projects/gearlever/
– Funtoo Linux is being discontinued
– https://forums.funtoo.org/topic/5182-all-good-things-must-come-to-an-end/
– DreamWorks’ OpenMoonRay 1.6 Released
– https://openmoonray.org/
– https://destinationlinux.net/352
– https://github.com/dreamworksanimation/openmoonray/releases/tag/openmoonray-


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#Linux #News #Podcast


by Michael Tunnell

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28 thoughts on “New COSMIC details exposed, Vanilla OS 2.0, Serpent OS & more Linux news

  • sadly my wifi network don t work in a linux on macbook air 17 and i m not a people who have the knowlege to fix , sadly i come back to macOS

  • I used Funtoo for a little bit and it was a fine distro but I didn't see any reason to use it over Gentoo. They did get GNOME running without systemd using elogind before Gentoo officially supported that which was really cool.

  • Not even Gnome devs know why some things are done in Gnome, it's a mistery XD

  • Ive been a Die Hard Fedora Silverblue user, and I tried Vanilla OS on my main system… What a huge mistake- as a 3D modeling, rigging, animation, simulation artist – The beta unstable Nvidia drivers included crashed so damn much on wayland/x11 – also no clue why they would use any Debian Sid packages… it should be at least debian testing… It is criminal to call it a “stable release”…

  • Micheal, you are so good at this. You're up there in the top ten of my favorite Linux news channels.

  • I have a setup with a 32 inch 1440p monitor and 2 24 inch 1080p monitors. If COSMIC finally made the first DE that can properly handle my setup, then holy shit they solved some big problems. Multiple monitor setups and high DPI screens have existed for several years, and it's unacceptable that Linux still sucks so much at handling them. Hell, Linux still sucks at fractional scaling with just a single monitor.

  • Why would one download a distro like Serpant OS when its developer has a reputation of making a new toy and soon after abandoning the project? Does this mean Aiki Doherty is not supportive of the current state of Solus? What kind of blow is it to their team to have the founder of that OS now working on something different to overtake it in the market? He made eopkg, and is now working on a project to overtake its popularity. I imagine any enthusiast of his works will be skeptical of his maintaining the project over the coming years.

  • Thanks for the perfect subtitles🙏👍👍

  • Can't wait for cosmic DE, i use Pop os tiling WM and it's a big part of my workflow. The shortcuts and how everything just works out of the box is really what makes me love Pop os so much. can't wait for cosmic to be officially released

  • I like the direction of Cosmic which is Gnome minus the annoying things and missing basic features which gnome devs don't want to include. The multi-monitor stuff you mentioned got me hyped, because both the missing panel on every display and the limited workspace workflow annoy me so much.

  • I prefer appimages over flatpak, it's much easier to deal with. I hope they will make a comeback.

  • I am one of those who don't use system tray icons. I use Flatpak apps like Slack (as an example), and when I close the window, the application goes to the standard background menu of GNOME. To keep this app easily accessible, I just have its icon in the dash.

  • I've used Gear Lever for a couple years now. It's GREAT! I only use 4 appimages, but having them integrated in the application menu and updatable is awesome. I hate Snaps, but I'll deal with Flatpaks. And now, the only Flatpak app I have is Gear Lever. And of course 4 appimages. EXCELLENT app. Kudos to the devs!

  • I just don't understand SerpentOS having the tagline "for people want to 'Just Use Linux' and then shipping with Gnome out of the box. Gnome is a fine DE, and I don't hate it, but it's a huge paradigm shift from a traditional desktop and a lot of people don't like it. ESPECIALLY people trying out Linux coming from other OSes. I guess depending on your definition of "Modern" I could see going with it, but COSMIC is a more modern DE than Gnome so why not ship with that?

  • I would love to see a version of Vanilla OS with KDE, XFCE, Openbox/Fluxbox, or Cinnamon (I absolutely HATE GNOME DE and find it borderline unusable) and TBH the only thing stopping me from trying it is the lack of DE that I can stomach. So far the only versions of GNOME that don't make me want to chuck my computer through a wall or window are the heavily modified versions from Zorin OS and Endless OS… Actually, either of those would be fine, if implemented in Vanilla OS.

  • I use Gear Lever and it's amazing, I used to hate AppImages because it was a pain to maintain, well, Gear Lever(installed from flathub) fixed that and now I can organize, update and use AppImages without any issue, and made me even feel a new found appreciation for AppImages – even tho I still like flatpaks more, but for some programs AppImages are better and it definitely has it's place.

  • Thank you, Ikey, for Solus. Although I don't use Solus, I use Ubuntu Budgie. Budgie DE was in Solus first.

  • Vanilla OS 2, to me, comes way too late. It came with essentially reinventing the whole Atomic toolchain that… Functionally isn't too different from rpm-ostree, for many end-user.

    I started using Universal Blue because it was taking too long so might as well explore the immutable landscape a bit (including using NixOS for a while) eventually even using their image creation tool as well which works great on Github CI. It's been so long I'm just comfortable with this setup now – the way that adding files and packages on (what is now) BlueBuild is easier to understand than Vib as well. And they have a KDE image focused for gaming (Bazzite).

    Additionally, the way the package downstreaming is done reminds me of Manjaro. While Manjaro's teams… infamy, is a high bar to surpass, I'd probably wait and see until we have a proper track record for them. And, well, I do appreciate the way they do things properly even if it takes time (though BlendOS' move-fast method does well in actually shipping things but it comes with drawbacks that you'd see if you're in their discord server) but it DID take a while, as other immutable distro gets stronger backing, support, development, and community.

    I'm interested in how it'll do, especially when Ubuntu Core Desktop comes and how much their Snap-based immutability will matter to end-user in the Debian-based(-ish) ecosystem. But for me, the time has passed. I'm not even distro hopping anymore. I know what I want, I know what I need, and Vanilla may be able to provide it but it isn't the one that filled the slot when I wanted and needed it. I wish them the best with everyone else though.

  • VanillaOS sounds super cool and I would have tried it out immediately due to it sounding right up my alley but… GNOME, man. Not my thing. I would have loved a KDE version. Hell, I would have even taken a Cinnamon or XFCE version.

  • The laughability of details being 'leaked' on an opensource project being developed 'in the open'…. should have left 'leaked' off and just shared the info. No need for click bait titles

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