New Horizon College of Engineering | OpenPOWER Lab Inauguration and Technical Presentations

New Horizon College of Engineering , India announcing the OpenPOWER Lab powered by IBM POWER processors .This will help to develop advanced skills in the following areas

ML/DL Applications on POWER Systems
Datascience with Python
Enterprise AI using Open Source Libraries on Linux
HPC Applications and Optimization
Databases with ML Solutions
Hardware Development using Open POWER cores
as part of overall lab’s mission .

Born out of the collaborative spirit of the OpenPOWER Foundation – a community co-founded in part by IBM, NVIDIA and Mellanox, supporting open development on the POWER architecture – This lab has been established to provide technical assistance and infrastructure to further indigenous research.

With the opening of lab, scientists, students, developers and enterprises who are a part of OpenPOWER foundation and also IBM POWER Academia tap into the latest and best available OpenPOWER-based infrastructure and POWER based infrastructure , including the POWER processor and all other featured solutions in many industries.

Florin Manaila who is the IBM AI lead will share his experiences using the IBM POWER9 systems

Dr Sameer Shende , Director of Performance lab in University of Oregon will share how POWER9 systems have been used in US National labs with the some of the popular performance tools .


by OpenPOWER AI , Cloud Virtual University

linux foundation

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