New PC Project: Acrylic PC case (Part 1)

This video is a first look at what state it is in when I got it. I did remove the old fans and tossed those away before I recorded this video.

This is my 3rd acrylic PC case. The first 2 cases are fully build Windows 7 and Windows 10 machines using salvaged PC parts from older, discarded PC’s. This by far is the priciest of the 3 clear PC cases I got, but I pulled the trigger and I don’t regret buying it. This is an old ATX PC case from the mid 2000’s that is made from acrylic panels.

I have referenced from videos below for cases that look similar to what I got. It’s apparently sold under many different names like Sunbeamtech, and X-clear to name a few. I am not affiliated with any of the videos below.

Computer build part1 (Sunbeamtech acrylic case) – Steves little corner

THIS PC IS CLEARLY EPIC!!!!!!! – Timmy Joe PC Tech)



how to repair windows 7