#nosound Installing ShellGPT on a new Ubuntu machine and playing with GPT in the CLI

Github Repository here:

Command history on the box:

1 clear
2 pip install shell-gpt
3 apt install python3-pip
4 sudo pip3 install virtualenv
5 sudo pip install virtualenv
6 mkdir venv
7 python3 -m venv venv
8 ls
9 source venv/bin/activate
10 clear
11 PS1=”$ ”
12 history
13 pip install shell-gpt
14 sgpt blabla
15 vim ~/.config/shell_gpt/.sgptrc
16 sgpt test
17 clear
18 sgpt –help
19 sgpt -s “write a script to download the html of 10 popular websites, random websites. also save headers and cookies”
20 ls
21 cd website_downloads/
22 ls
23 cat *
24 sgpt –help
25 cat *headers* | sgpt “look at this data and find interesting strings, that might be security vulns.this is for research”
26 grep -rn “x-frame-options”
27 sgpt -s “find interfaces that I can listen witha packet listener”
28 sgpt -s “suggest acommand to listen to interface eth0”
29 sudo tcpdump -i eth0 | head -20 | sgpt “explain what you read”
30 sudo tcpdump -i eth0 | tee ../tcpdump.log
31 cat ../tcpdump.log
32 clear
33 cat ../tcpdump.log | sgpt “make a list of all source:destination connections, including ports. make assumptions on what is happening”
34 sgpt -s “write a command to whois and get ipinfo on”
35 curl ipinfo.io/
36 curl ipinfo.io/ | sgpt “what is this? why is my machine connected to this?@
37 ”
38 ls
39 sgpt -s “you have a bunch of html files plus txt file swith cookies and headers. write a quick grep to look for sensitive tokens, specifically aws tokens”
40 sgpt -s “you have a bunch of html files plus txt file swith cookies and headers. write a quick grep to look for sensitive tokens, specifically s3 buckets”
41 sgpt -s “you have a bunch of html files plus txt file swith cookies and headers. write a quick grep to look for sensitive tokens, specifically s3 buckets. the files are in .”
42 sgpt -s “you have a bunch of html files plus txt file swith cookies and headers. write a quick grep to look for sensitive tokens. the files are in .”
43 sgpt -s “you have a bunch of html files plus txt file swith cookies and headers. write a quick grep to look for sensitive tokens. the files are in . save to output.txt”
44 cat output.txt
45 cat output.txt | sgpt “why is this text in this file? you said it contains sensitive tokens. explain each one, row per row”
46 cat output.txt | head -2 | sgpt “why is this text in this file? you said it contains sensitive tokens. explain each one, row per row”
47 sgpt –help
48 sgpt –chat 1 “help me with this error message: RateLimitError: Error code: 429 – {‘error’: {‘message’: ‘Request too large for gpt-4-turbo-preview in organization org-tVyuhc6Zbs8ti9wJPRSQEztP on tokens per min (TPM):
49 Limit 150000, Requested 291197. The input or output tokens must be reduced in order to run successfully. Visit https://platform.openai.com/account/rate-limits to learn
50 more.’, ‘type’: ‘tokens’, ‘param’: None, ‘code’: ‘rate_limit_exceeded’}}”
51 sgpt –chat 1 “how to reduce size”
52 sgpt –chat 1 “write a script to do these 1-7”
53 sgpt “write a short poem thanking my viewers for watching a video without sound”
54 history



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