Once Human – Don't Make These HUGE Mistakes!

Once Human Tips that will save you a lot of time and currency! New Players and Experts will hopefully learn something about once human in this video!

Once Human Beginner Guide: https://youtu.be/Rpc_o5oXp3c
Once Human Wish I knew Sooner: https://youtu.be/L8men1R0d-o

🎹 Outro Song by DeshPlease https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Miq7SnzRZw
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by Lucky Ghost

linux foundation

46 thoughts on “Once Human – Don't Make These HUGE Mistakes!

  • I see people running around lvl 5-6 with ARs that do 200-300 per shot, I'm level 23 and still running around with a tier 2 KAM that does 35 damage per shot… They're 100% not P2W items, no? How do they get it at start, any clue?

  • This game is a menu simulation, there are menus for menus for menus. Please fix this pile of junk and simplify it or else this will be a dead game in a month. Servers are already looking empty.

  • I can't recommend this game enough. I am born away have user-friendly it is for a free to play.

  • I have a problem, I can't put more boxes or a second fridge… It shows me that there is no space, but there is space🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Another tip when you're drinking and eating before leaving – always stuff yourself first. This is because some foods can make you thirsty, so it doesn't make sense to drink and then eat.

  • Biggest mistake to ever and I mean EVER make is to sell your acid…look I don’t care how often you come across it or if you have thousands of it DONT sell it to players period…you will forever need it…and a silver bar ain’t worth 100bottles of the stuff not even close!

  • i recently started playing and im really enjoying this unique and goofy game , its a mix of soo many things i like the art style , and your videos give me a lot of cool info , Thank you ^__^

  • какая в жопу 4 неделя?! или это со старых збт

  • Какого у него сезонов открыто больше чем у меня на 01-00001 сервере ?!

  • Pretty sure ive never seen deviated ore deposits. You get Digby Boy by mining any node, guaranteed from silver.

  • I think the dev planning reset for the next season will be also a huge mistake hehe

  • A little bit of updated info: ( otherwise great video!)
    for mistake 1: only abour 3 or 4 out of 6 silos have seepage zones
    Mistake 2: deviated crops only give deviated crops. Digby does come from mining tin or silver though
    mistake 3: you can over eat or under eat which makes you gain/lose weight and changes some of your base stats like stamina recovery and melee attack speed
    mistake 4: its not really "shooting your shot" the 4/20 you pointed out is how many pulls you've done from that gacha. In 20 pulls you are guaranteed everything that's listed. So for that one you WILL get a cage helmet, hot dog pants and some renegade pieces
    mistake 5: you only get starchrom from the first time you beat a Prime War but you can get the loot crates multiple times

  • You can hold tab to summon V and select your commissions from him you don’t have to run to a settlement

  • 4th you aren't getting fragments for the 1st thing in the gacha. That 4/20 means he has gotten 4 of the 20 rewards needed to finish that gacha. Once he gets all 20, you ALWAYS get that reward that appears 1st (15 parts of that blueprint, in this case. You can also reset the gacha, the option appeared always before. Now it only appears after you got all golden rewards of which there are 4 on this one, and he already got 2 or when you get everyting in the gacha.
    That said, yeah, he is right on the shop. It's way better.
    7th adding to that mistake, is waiting for it to go away on it's own. You can recall it making it "reset" faster. Instead of starting from 0, it starts to recharge from wtv energy it had left. If you simply let it run out when you don't need it you are wasting energy that could be used to reduce it's cooldown.

  • How do you have already access to all those weeks? i only have week 1 and all that how do you already have access to all this stuff cuz for me most of it is still locked

  • Ain't no way it takes starcrum everytime you hit a llama. i thought it was a set amount. Man I thought I just had to hit them all. lol spent like 3k on that dang game with nothing to show for it xD

  • how did you color your crosshair into white? Mine's all black and i can't aim much without going first person lol

  • Mistake to avoid – dont install, its spyware for the chinese to sell your data, thank me later

  • i dont like the phone mechanic of having rewards to collect in 100 different menus for breathing ingame.
    literally gives 0 dopamine anymore they do it so much

  • i always had to look at the dancing charakter it draws so much attention 4:37

  • The healing part, Dont waste your deviant on having that blob with you it stinks compared to many others, This game literally throws healing at you in such amounts i have to store them in my base ore else they start weight to much…

  • they disabled the battlepass for a couple of countries tho… (netherlands, belgium and france for as far as i know)

  • 5000 miles seems tough, thats like 8000 kilometres 😀

  • A good tip to prevent your sanity from dropping is to make tea using cone flower, very useful in situation in area that constantly depletes your sanity

  • can anyone help me figure out why when i’m trying to add another securement unit in my territory it is saying no more space even though i’ve upgraded and expanded and clearly have space?

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