Open Source Bootcamp – Complete Docker and Devops Roadmap – Part 2

Live MERN Stack Cohort 2.0 – https://harkirat.classx.co.in/new-courses/8
Link to Playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVKLWop9wWA9h7qWQb6xByfXsRq18U-68

PDF to slides for Docker – https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OvJyxoU3dHLXV7h-oU2IgpDB7S4RhLbp/view?usp=sharing

Assignment – https://github.com/hkirat/docker-roadmap

Open source project –


Open Source Cohort: https://harkirat.classx.co.in/

00:00:00 – Introduction
00:01:03 – RECAP
00:02:50 – Today’s Goal
00:04:52 – Caching and Layers (solution)
00:20:03 – Assignment-2 (solution)
00:23:03 – What’s the Benefit
00:23:58 – Volumes and Networks (Volumes)
00:42:51 –Diving Deeper
00:52:27 – Volumes and Networks (Networks)
00:56:38 – quick recap
01:01:39 – Volumes and Networks (Introducing a Network – code)
01:09:10 – Volumes and Network (Recap)
01:10:45 – ENV Variables
01:17:38 – Multi Stage Builds (prerequisite)
01:21:06 – Multi Stage Builds
01:30:00 – Problem Statement #1
01:33:39 – Solution #1
01:37:34 – Docker Compose
01:40:40 – Docker Compose (JSON File)
01:42:54 – Docker Compose (YAML File)
01:53:21 – Open Source Project #1 (P5.js editor)
02:04:15 – Open Source Project #1 (setting-up locally)
02:06:04 – Thankyou [What’s Next !?]
#docker #placement #opensource #interviews


by Harkirat Singh

linux dns server

21 thoughts on “Open Source Bootcamp – Complete Docker and Devops Roadmap – Part 2

  • 📍Day 2 –

    Completed the 1st video already along with assignment. Now started watching this one, will edit this message after i finish this entirely.

    Waiting to be pinned 📌

    @harkirat also add this video to the playlist.

  • you content is amazing but most people use vscode and the interface used by you is slightly complex, I understood it but most of the people I shared it with left the videos few minutes in

  • can anyone let me know 100X dev cohort list link sequentially ?
    getting hard to follow the flow

  • These were the best 2 videos for docker in whole youtube. hands down hkirat bhai!!

  • In multi stage build
    COPY package*.json ./
    did not work for me
    COPY package*.json /

    another one was i fixed an error by writing
    version: "3"
    at top of yaml file

  • MInd blowing sir(being in IITR)

  • Actually you can just go with `node:<version>-alpine` it will work the same, and this is what the node's docker hub page recommends.

  • Such content isn't available anywhere else on the internet, even in paid courses. I kindly request you to create a paid complete backend course. The way you explain topics is truly unique, and you are teaching real-world software engineering. Thanks a lot.

  • best docker course available on the internet thanks @Harikirat for this awesome explanation.

  • Why you have not passed port number in Mongoose connect Url when you are running it through compose. Is it not required ?
    It is not running for me

  • docker vids were amazing ……Need kubernetes videos please

  • bhai at 38:47 you are using the command "docker run -p 27017:27017 mongo" and connecting it to mongodb compass and creating database/collections, but after killing the container I believe you are using the up arrow to run same command i.e "docker run -p 27017:27017 mongo" at this point you are actually creating new container instead of restarting the previous one and due to this mongodb compass is not showing the data, but if you try to restart the previous container, the data actually persits and we can access the database/collections created in the first container, and i wondered why, the reason was "docker run -p 27017:27017 mongo" this command creates the volume implicitly and stores the data.

  • for me data gets saves without using volume . anyone else

  • Can you make a bootcamp on backend using express and node 😉

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