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Open Source Web Framework and Web Server for C/C++

An open source project for full stack developers. This tool provides an interface for developing web applications and websites in C or C++ in an intuitive way that is similar to Flask for Python. In addition, this project is being developed alongside an open source library of tools that should be useful for any C/C++ developer. The project is in early development, but this demonstration is a proof of concept to demonstrate the base functionality and features.

In depth tutorials are provided for every aspect of the project.

Source code:


by Eric O Meehan

linux http server

18 thoughts on “Open Source Web Framework and Web Server for C/C++

  • How come you don’t include more comments in your code explaining what each function is doing. And how to use?

  • I use WT. Why should I switch to this project?

  • Very good effort. Plz keep doing it. Insha Allah very soon it will serve all of us. We actually need now a c / c++ web framework like django. Good work.

  • i wanna make this since i create my own linux terminal and also game engine and also
    everything like my little docker for my linux sudo commands and everything so real that i cant believe that i just made so cool and i was working on an c++ lib i thought to make it database manger type and coding compiler type for my linux terminal that i made please i want to know how can you make this in c++

  • 😀 ….. yo a las 2:30 de la madugada … puedo hacer un servidor con c o c++ y me salio este video y esta genial y muy bien explicado 🙂 disfrutare la serie jeje gracias

  • I read through a lot of your source code on github. Seems like an interesting project and I will give it a whirl at putting together a simple site. Would be interesting and cool to have some benchmark tests written to compare your framework to the other ones like flask. Or if it had support for things like events, and channels (websocket sort of stuff). Pretty cool stuff though!

  • You say it's C or C++ but if you were using C++ then most of your data structures would already be available.
    You claim that it's "really really quick" but the example you show is EXTREMELY basic, do you have a page comparing this "web framework" with others?
    If you really want to make the rest of the code reusable then you have to start using cmake and the include the Networking and Datastructures as dependencies.
    But why build your own Networking? Unless it's something for you to learn, you can use existing things like asio or beast.
    Your route functions should not return a char* but an object where you can include headers and any other http requirements….
    You present this as a "project for full stack developers" but this is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO far from ever being useful…
    The render_template just glues files together… what if… I don't know… the dev actually wants to pass parameters to be replaced in the template?
    Again… this is extremely basic… maybe for a VERY VERY light api you might use this… but again… very far from ever being useful in production

  • Hi, Thank you for this Useful Content you Provide I Like It. and I Have one Simple Question about Open Source Licenses, I want just know, Can a Documentations Or Articles or Even eBooks in the Web be licensed under Open Source Licenses like Apache-2.0, CERN-OHL2, GPL3+, LGPL3+, MIT, MPL-2.0 ? I am not talking about Creative Commons Licenses, I talk about just this Licenses Wich used for Open Source Hardware, but my Question is just about using them for Documentations an Articles in the Websites, So Thank you very Much.

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