OpenInfra Live Episode 15: Kata Containers Use Cases
The #KataContainers community is going to host community members from AMD, Ant Group, Apple, IBM, and Huawei to share how they’re running Kata. Kata Containers Architecture Committee members and upstream contributors will provide an update on community development and the project roadmap.
01:38 Kata Containers Project Update
07:37 Kata Containers Use Case Meetings
09:50 Large Scale Kata Containers in Production at Ant Group
20:21 AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV)
33:13 Kata Containers on Huawei Cloud
47:16 What about the percent of resource utilization of the lightweight VM?
51:17 What kind of emulation do you run?
54:54 Are you looking at if storage direct block device is upstream able in both Kubernetes and Kata?
57:17 Are the mentioned extensions fed back in the upstream?
Samuel Ortiz
Peng Tao
Brent Hollingsworth
Hubertus Franke
Shaoboa Feng
#OpenInfraLive #KataContainers
by Open Infrastructure Foundation
linux foundation