OpenShift Administration RedHat Ex280 Practice Exam (User Group Role Project role-biding Quota DB)

*** Comprehensive Exercise ***
User, Group, Role, Project, role-biding, Quota, DB Pod, App Pod, Troubleshooting

1. Log in to the OpenShift web console as the admin user.
2. Add htpasswd entries to the localusers secret for users named dba and tester using redhat as the password.
3. Create a new app-team group that contains the developer and dba users.
4. Create a new console-review project with a view role binding for the tester user and an edit role binding for the app-team group. Set a resource quota that limits the project to two pods.
5. As the dba user, deploy a MySQL Database instance into the console-review project. Set database as the app name and famous as the username, password and database name. Use the image.
6. As the developer user, create a deployment, service, and route in the console-review project with issues that you will troubleshoot in the next step. Use the image, two replica, and name all of the new resources famous-quotes. When correctly configured, the famous-quotes application connects to the MySQL database and displays a list of famous quotes.
Specify the following environment variables in the deployment:
QUOTES_USER = famous
7. Troubleshoot and fix the deployment issues.
8. Navigate to the famous-quotes website in a browser and observe the working application.


by Tech Tejendra

redhat openstack

12 thoughts on “OpenShift Administration RedHat Ex280 Practice Exam (User Group Role Project role-biding Quota DB)

  • Hello sir, I got a redhat paid account. Please how and where can i go there to be able to follow this and practice?

    thank you in advance

  • When i try to login in Openshift console it doesn't provide localuser option, htpasswd_provider is there.

    I am using lab of redhat and getting console link by logging in CLI with redhat lab credentials

  • sir, I am not able to access the image repository it's giving the error in the –image flag

  • how is the deployment created by developer user communicating with the mysql deployment created by dba user. please clear my doubt

  • during the exam, was the user admin at the beginning?

  • Hi, I am planning to schedule the exam in 1 month. Is your playlist enough to crack actual ex280 exam ?

    Edit: I have cleared my exam successfully. Thanks Tejendra for your videos. It definitely helped in my preperation.

  • sir is this the way we need to write in exam or just open the lab enviroment and type the command

  • Sir r u maintaining any community in teligram if avilable please give link so we can fallow from teligram as we .

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